Dead Girl Running | Of Love And Lies | The Hunger Games

Dead Girl Running | Of Love And Lies | The Hunger Games

305 12 16

"May I present to you Districts 7's tributes for the 72nd Annual Hunger Games: Olive Elmhurst and Flint Arausio!" Olive is thrust into the 72nd Hunger Games with nothing but her wits and an axe to defend herself. To return home to District 7 and her close-knit family, she must survive against all odds. Killing innocent children is not easy. Can she fight the enemies in her mind as well as those in the arena? Or will she succumb to the icy hands of death?Disclaimer: Credit to The hunger games franchise go to Suzanne Collins. I have only created the plot and unfamiliar characters (except Titus and anything associated with him)…

Superficial Love|Slytherin Thorn

Superficial Love|Slytherin Thorn

17,149 403 39

Rose Weasley was no longer the thorny little girl she had been four years previously, with new found confidence she'd blossomed into a bright flower. Still "She was a Rose in the hand of those who had no intention of keeping her." She still had a many battles to fight and lessons to learn and a few more petels to grow, along with setting things straight with a certain Scorpius Malfoy, a crucial and potentially problematic path to take but Rose Weasley was always up for a challenge.-'Dear Mum and Dad, I wish you knew I was trying. I'm not anymore.'It hurts knowing I tried doing my best and it still wasn't good enough.''I hate you because I will have to wonder for the rest of my life why I wasn't enough.' Your ex-daughter' -Sequel to Slytherin Thorn. It's advised to read the first book, but not nessacary.-#6 - Familyfueds - 7/04/21#5- Lucyweasley - 11/05/22#36 - Scorpiusmalfoy - 1/09/21#3 - Roseweasley - 14/06/22#27 - scorose - 14/06/22#61 - harrypotternextgeneration - 11/05/22#6 - hugoweasley - 14/06/22#6 - louisweasley - 14/06/22#9 - scorpiusmalfoy - 14/06/22-Disclaimer: I don't own anything you are familiar with, all rights go to J.K Rowling.…

The Slytherin Thorn

The Slytherin Thorn

86,026 1,800 62

Rose has always loved her family but that was until she became the black sheep. Upon arriving at Hogwarts her excitement to be there soon fizzles out as something unexpected happens. She becomes the first Weasley in Slytherin. She's spent her childhood being told which people to avoid and which to talk to but it seems to be the opposite. People she thought she trusted need to be avoided and the people she'd been told to avoid might just become her best friends. They are there by her side as she stumbles through her First Year and every one after. Rose has always hated being hidden by her large family, she's always wanted to be different, to stand out but when it does happen she discovers being the thorn of the family is not quite as easy as she expected. Will she sink or swim? Will she buckle under the pressure? Will she survive? After all it's not easy being the Slytherin Thorn.Disclamer: Anything you are familiar with I do not own. All rights go to J.K Rowling.#1 - scorose - 2/06/22#1- familyfueds - 13/01/21#1 - lucyweasley - 19/02/21#4 - scorpiusmalfoy - 19/02/21#2 - Mollyweasley - 23/06/21#2- dominiqueweasley - 01/05/21#16 - Albus Potter - 19/02/21#4 - Harrypotternextgeneraton - 03/08/21#1 - roseweasley - 01/05/21#2 - albusseveruspotter - 21/05/21…

Harry Potter Next Generation: Instagram - Slytherin Thorn

Harry Potter Next Generation: Instagram - Slytherin Thorn

1,681 49 12

- A little rebellion now and then is a good thing -The Wotter Gang and Co are on Instagram. Follow their slightly *cough* chaotic journey through Hogwarts. Based loosely on my book Slytherin Thorn. It doesn't really matter if you haven't read it though.For those that have read it the first chapter here starts at around chapter 45 in Slytherin Thorn.Disclaimer: Any characters you are familiar with belong to J.K Rowling and none of the photos are mine, I got them off printrest.…

7 Years of Love: Story of Us - Rose and Scorpius

7 Years of Love: Story of Us - Rose and Scorpius

524 19 4

"I'm not good, I just know how not to get caught."~"I don't know whether I want to kiss you or chuck you off a bridge right now."-When Rose and Scorpius start Hogwarts they become instant enemies but could that hate eventually turn into love?-#1 - tarusDisclaimer: Anything you are familiar with belongs to JK Rowling.…

A Dead Girl - After The Mockingjay (Rewriting)

A Dead Girl - After The Mockingjay (Rewriting)

1,315 30 22

After 25 years of peace, the Hunger Games commences once again. Olive Mellark, fears for her life and the ones around her as she takes after her mother in fleeing death. With only her words and a now and arrow to protect her, she does all she can to survive. Fighting against the odds, killing who she has to and teaming up with people she wouldn't usually, she's desperate to reach her family again.Disclaimer: I don't own any characters your familiar with, the initial plot or any photos that appear.…

The Adventures of the Potter Twins

The Adventures of the Potter Twins

852 26 5

Ever wondered what would have happened if Harry had a sister or two? What would happen to the twins who were left behind? Watch the twins as they grow up not knowing the secret their uncle held from them. Discover their similarities and differences as they travel through the familiar tale of Harry Potter.Disclaimer: I don't own any images. I don't own characters or story you are familiar with the credit of them goes to J.K Rowling.…

Harry Potter Next Generation

Harry Potter Next Generation

21,902 140 16

Ever wanted facts, one shots and headcannons on your favourite next generation Harry Potter? What they do? They're Hobbie? They're fears? They're best friends and favourite cousins? They're life's after Hogwarts?Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters you are familiar with or pictures they belong to J.K Rowling and the Internet.…