Not a monster a Father (LuigixBowser)

Not a monster a Father (LuigixBowser)

48,959 1,302 10

Fluff, angst, and Koopa Father.The princess has been kidnapped again. God dammit, Luigi is dragged along with Mario to go and save her, but going through each level til the first boss castle, he sees what happens as an aftermath of them taking down the Koopaling of the castle, Luigi sees a loving and caring Father.Cover image is from: ashantejohnsonart on Twitterโ€ฆ

Districts (Old)

Districts (Old)

256 22 22

In the world of Minecraft, farming, archery, mining, combat, trees, oceans. . .People trying to kill each other for power, you know the normal,Potato runs into a girl in the middle of nowhere after getting attacked by a ghast in the nether resulting in conflict in the portal systems, Though.. she can't talk, and he has no idea where he is between the districts. She doesn't have any memory about anything either... great.Now they must go through different districts around the minecraft world and try to get them to work together instead of trying to kill each other. 2 districts have already been lost.โ€ฆ