

23 0 3

"Why are you doing this?"He didn't answer, he doesn't need to. The bullet flies into his chest, a fatal hit. He falls to the ground."One more to go". Narrated by Gavin Lynn, follow the story of David Waters, a teacher at BurningWood High, and the events leading up to its demise.…

Read only if you want to

Read only if you want to

9 0 3

This book is not important, I'm just trying to see how my mind works. Please, do not understand.…

A little love can go a long way (princibaldi)

A little love can go a long way (princibaldi)

530 21 5

So, it's 1 am right now, and I'm bored. So I said to myself, "write a story that you haven't planned and still don't know the plot. Because that will be fun" so here I am! Be careful with love. Princi had to learn that the hard way, not knowing the dangers that lie underneath our favorite maths teacher. Follow princi in a adventure of love and secrets.(How the frick did I write a decent description but the story is terrible?.?)…