The Silver Fighter | ✓

The Silver Fighter | ✓

46,183 1,663 62

"I already killed your mother, Cam." As the words left my enemy's mouth like a mocking sneer, I growled under my breath at the mention of my old name. Memories started to boil up that I had been wanting to squash deep into my heart.Bad memories."As you can guess, I'm here to finish the job." He continued with that ever-present sinister smirk on his face.And in that moment, a sudden burst of confidence just appeared within me. Or blatant stupidity.'I'll take either one.' I silently admitted to myself.I rolled my eyes at his so-called 'threat', not really intimidated in the least."Yeah, like that went so well the first time. The first time, you fucked up enough to get caught by the police." I pointed out. "The second time, your grown-ass men got their asses handed to them by two teenagers."I snorted at him. "Your odds aren't looking too good here, Berti."~•~Losing her father? Lovely.Getting in a car accident with her aunt, uncle, and cousin and being the sole survivor? Fantastic. Losing her mother because a deranged psychopath holds a grudge even better than The Grinch? Amazing.Being ostracized from her own family save from her paternal grandparents, and getting the blame for her mother's death? Cherry on top of the cake.Having to make sure three idiotic twats don't get themselves killed because they couldn't mind their own bloody business?Bloody hell, that's an entire ice cream cake with ten pounds of gummy bears.~•~Join Grace Stanton as she faces her demons and the demons of her past all while trying not to commit murder against her three new friends.Fun times.(First book in the Gilded series)~•~[#1 Streetracer - 4/21/21][#1 Gangs - 9/16/21][#1 Boxer - 9/12/21][#1 Fighter - 12/11/21][#2 Boxing - 9/3/21][#1 Girlpower - 2/12/21]…

The Golden Driver

The Golden Driver

113 16 7

"You expect me to trust you?" My words come out incredulously as disbelief floods my body, causing me to think that this dumbass was actually stupider than I previously anticipated. "You people killed my fucking family and you expect me to just forget that and date you?"His eyes widened exponentially as my harsh words cut him like one of Grace's knives."Wait, hold on." He blinks his eyes repeatedly as if he was in a daze and begins to shake his head to himself.'Looks like I didn't choose the brightest bulb in the bunch to fall in love with.' I mused to myself silently with an eye roll.<><><>(Second book in the Gilded series)Being a trio of orphans isn't the worst thing to happen to the DeMarkson sisters, Scarlett, Ophelia, and Bethania.No. The worst thing to happen to them was losing their entire family in a devastating fire that they were miraculously spared from since they were all conveniently away from the US. And since the tragedy, the girls believed that the fire was an accident.So what happens when they find out that it was actually on purpose to dispose of their parents, their father in particular? What happens when three teenage boys and one seven-year-old boy show up to live in their house and end up telling them everything?Can Scarlett get over her newfound hatred? Or will she run someone over with her golden car?We'll have to see...…