Young Avengers Oneshots

Young Avengers Oneshots

264 10 1

Exactly what the title implies. I don't own any of Marvel. Except my merch.…

Halbarry Oneshots

Halbarry Oneshots

60,121 1,949 17

Short stories about the Flash and his Lantern. Occasional guest stars like Wally and the League along the way, of course. And, you know, Iris is in there a bit. Because Iris wins life.…

Harry Potter Oneshots

Harry Potter Oneshots

818 31 3

Mainly Remus and Sirius or other marauders-related topics. I'll probably let you know. On second thought, it'll probably be obvious. I'll specify for any odd AUs.Spoilers for Cursed Child (maybe)PS: I don't own the characters, big surprise.…

Young Justice Oneshots

Young Justice Oneshots

119,430 4,439 23

Mainly ship stuff, some weird head canons that pop into my head.…

Timmothy Higgins and the Sword of the Llidrigals

Timmothy Higgins and the Sword of the Llidrigals

38 2 5

Meet Timmothy Higgins. He's just an average gay narcoleptic genius in a town too small to understand. Imagine his surprise when he learns that there is a school out there that actually wants him. Follow Timmothy as he struggles to navigate unfamiliar surroundings. He might even figure out what the deal is with those weird dreams he's been having...…



3,027 124 8

Based on the JL8 comic series... WHICH I DO NOT OWN!!! Except mine has the original seven Justice Leaguers. Oh, and the JL8 comic thing is the MOST ADORABLE thing ever since its baby Justice League. Eight year old Justice League.…

DC History

DC History

900 40 18

Basically a crash course of major (possibly more minor as I go) characters in DC Comics. It's like Wikipedia but less extensive and (I hope) more funny. I fact check as much as I can but please note that due to the ever-changing plotlines and backstories of characters I may be off a bit and will take constructive criticism.I haven't read any of the Rebirth stuff.I don't own nothing.…

Steve: What is he gonna do?

Steve: What is he gonna do?

40 6 3

Steve Rogers is about to have an issue. Peggy's moving out, meaning Steve won't be able to pay the rent. Thankfully, Gabe found him a ridiculously affordable place in Manhattan. The downside, besides the fact that he won't be able to live in Brooklyn anymore, is that his college buddies aren't moving there with him. Will Steve be able to make new friends in the building? Or will he be forced to move back and see if Dugan will let him room with him? Oh, and one other thing. Who's that mysterious and familiar man down the hall?…

B'lp and Bernard

B'lp and Bernard

1 0 1

B'lp is more than happy where she is, don't get her wrong. It's just that... Life in the Complex can just get so boring! The Other is so much more interesting, especially to a girl like her. She does not expect, however, the wonderful creatures that she finds living there one day. Is it possible? Could they be from... The Beyond? There is only one way to find out. Ask Bernard!…

How I Met Your Grandpa

How I Met Your Grandpa

3,179 113 2

Barry sits down to tell his kids (and grandkids) about how he met Hal. There are a couple things you might notice that I'll explain within the story. I might do another one from Wally's POV. We'll see.…

Halbarry: the Origin

Halbarry: the Origin

21,048 681 7

What more can I say? It's got style, it's got grace, it's got Hal Jordan pining endlessly over everyone's favorite speedster! What more could you want?…

Season Three

Season Three

19,524 876 10

Wally woke up and he had no idea where he was. The last thing he remembered was... Oh God. The last thing he remembered was dying.Season 3 of Young Justice! It's come back with a vengeance, so be prepared for lots of intense fighting and...well...not really that much fighting. It's sort of like Flashpoint but slightly less intense.Don't worry, it'll be fun! I promise! (That's a lie, there's some feels in here.)…

Albus Potter and Friends

Albus Potter and Friends

235 4 10

Basically it follows Potter generation two trough a year at Hogwarts. Should be fun, right? Overall disclaimer: All characters described within this story are either based upon descriptions made by J.K. Rowling or created by me. Specifically, I created Samantha Daley, Frank Longbottom II, Thomas Stewart, and several other minor characters. All Weasleys and Potters belong to Rowling. All situations said characters are placed in are NOT CANNON and should be treated as such. I do not own the Harry Potter universe.…

The Justice League

The Justice League

196 13 2

Who else was mad when they watched the Justice League show the first time in 2003? I know I was. Is it really that hard to just use Hal, Barry, and Arthur instead of John, Wally, and Shayera? No, it's not.All characters owned by DC Comics.…

Beatles Oneshots

Beatles Oneshots

14,371 291 11

Various Beatles oneshots featuring mclennon and starrison etc.…