dancing with our hands tied (by purplemango445 )

dancing with our hands tied (by purplemango445 )

267 0 25

"Who are you?""Well, if you really want to know, I'm your future husband." basically, a spies au with fake marriage and munhana…



34 2 1

Kreacher sends Hermione back in time with the hopes that she will save Regulus an destroy the locket. Hermione figures she will have an ally to help her destroy the other horcruxes, too. But, Regulus Black doesn't turn out to be anything like she expected he would.…

Between Fine Lines

Between Fine Lines

12 2 1

"The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."Harry returns from the cave with Dumbledore, except this time they come back with somebody the world thought died years ago. Regulus Black is alive and saved, having been trapped in time by elf magic. Harry doesn't know it when they find him, but Regulus will be the exact thing The Golden Trio needs to help them win the war.Harry Potter AU | Begins at the end of HBP…

A Legacy in the Making by Adopted_Dyslexic

A Legacy in the Making by Adopted_Dyslexic

56 0 1

Summary for A Legacy in the Making: Lizzie is the last to present in the Super Squad and she presents at a very inconvenient time or at least in Lizzie's mind it's inconvenient. This story is an alternate take on Season 2 of Legacies and features Alpha, Beta, and Omega Dynamics.Please read the tags if you do not like do not read that simple. I have this story as explicit since the consent is dubious and they are still minors or Lizzie is at least. Sex scenes will be in chapters 1, 6,7, 13,14, and 15.…

When In Limbo Alegacyofmonsters

When In Limbo Alegacyofmonsters

6 0 1

Hope, Lizzie, and Josie find themselves in Limbo after 3x14.…

Black and White by  (Geek_and_Nina)

Black and White by (Geek_and_Nina)

76 2 1

The world has always been in black and white for Hope Mikaelson. There was good and bad. She was either good or bad, and she had always done her best to be good. Otherwise, what was the use of all that her family had gone through to protect her. Her mother, father, and uncle had nearly died for her and she needed to live up to that.When she accidentally summons a demon, bound to her service, she knows that demons are bad. Lizzie, however; is all blue eyes, blunt words, and brilliant smiles. How can she be all bad?Lizzie lives in the shades of grey. She has no qualms about protecting this amazing tribrid girl at all costs, even from the human terrors at school, and the emotional terror that for some reason, no one can see she is in.…

Strangers on a Subway by Roseslover36

Strangers on a Subway by Roseslover36

233 5 1

What if Stiles had never been human? What if Peter had bit him without asking? What if Stiles had left after Allison died?Nine years after Stiles disappears, an exhausted and terrified Lydia bumps into a familiar stranger in a subway. When she finds out what he is, will she be able to trust him? And will he help her find the family she thought she'd lost?…

Honorary Argent by Ravenclaw1991

Honorary Argent by Ravenclaw1991

48 1 1

Stiles freaks after almost having an encounter with the alpha twins. He goes to Allison's and ends up asking her to teach him some of her hunter skills. Things go from there.…

Don't You Ever Tame Your Demons by cosim18

Don't You Ever Tame Your Demons by cosim18

27 0 1

Allison was resurrected following the Battle of the Nogitsune, unknown to her friends and family. Ten years later, on her own path, she stumbles into a familiar face, bringing up memories and hope for a new future.Nowhere near as lighthearted as the summary suggests, but not quite a dark!fic either.…

Regulus Black and the What the Hell ( by gonzoclock)

Regulus Black and the What the Hell ( by gonzoclock)

44 1 1

Four-year-old Luna has been able to see lights her whole life- and when both of her parents die in an explosive magical accident, she decides to grab on to one of the lights and follow it.Meanwhile, Regulus Black has never really thought of himself as the parental sort- he's hardly interacted with a child in his life, much less raised one. But when two magically inexplicable orphans show up and somehow resurrect him- well, what else was he supposed to do? Not immediately adopt them? Yeah, right.…

But no one told me I could go too far ( by Trex_patronus )

But no one told me I could go too far ( by Trex_patronus )

11 0 1

"I believe you. I can do it, too.""Being different is always better when there's someone who's the same sort of different as you."Prompt 149 of Regulus Black Fest: Regulus and Pandora have been friends for years, bonded through their special gifts. They end up destroying Horcruxes together.…

the fragile house of black ( 18)

the fragile house of black ( 18)

1 0 1

Gideon and Fabian Prewett, tied for #1 Uncle (according to the mugs they wielded with pride) had dreams of their wild successes as Aurors, winning honor and glory and infamy for their daring rescues of damsels in distress, wrangling monsters like the heroes of myths and legends. But they also knew that the reality of life as an Auror would be a lot of paperwork and cleaning up messes that they hadn't actually been responsible for making. They were (mostly) okay with that.That all changed when Sirius Black helped them find the lost Diadem of Ravenclaw and said that horrible H-word in their presence. Horcrux. Getting to hold a piece of the Dark Lord's soul in your hands does not lend itself to a long life.Or a particularly sane one.…

the fragile house of black ( 17 )

the fragile house of black ( 17 )

1 0 1

Contains spoilers for Power the Dark Lord Knows Not ( the fragile house of black ( 16 ) ). Read that first (but no other stories in this series are required reading)!After the war is over, what's left of the Black family is trying to recover. Regulus is now the master of the Resurrection Stone, and sometimes, talking to those you loved and lost is exactly what the Healer ordered.…

the fragile house of black (16)

the fragile house of black (16)

2 0 1

"Regulus," Sirius finally said, once he trusted he had his own voice under control, "has never once let me help him, even before I was a filthy blood-traitor. Why the fuck do you think I'd be able to save him now?"Tomorrow night. Kreacher's words throbbed inside his head. Regulus will die tomorrow night.Sirius definitely wasn't going to be getting any sleep at all this week.Sirius thought he had cut all ties with his family, but when Kreacher shows up in his bedroom with a dire warning, he's hardly able to let his idiot little brother die. And when he learns about the Horcrux his brother was chasing, he's hardly about to let him take on Voldemort alone.But getting tangled up in the House of Black again is not the best way to prove his innocence among an already-suspicious Order. Sirius has to walk a fine line if he wants to keep everyone he loves alive.…

the fragile house of black (15)

the fragile house of black (15)

1 0 1

He'd like to say it was the final straw as well as the first straw, and all the ones in the middle, for good measure. He'd like to say that Kreacher's tale of pain and fear and abandonment, of horrible mistreatment at the hands of a master, was the first time the Dark Lord's true character showed itself.But Regulus wasn't blind. Nor was he stupid.Regulus Black is eighteen years old. He has no father, no uncle, no brother he can depend on. All he has is a battered house elf and the knowledge that the Dark Lord has created something so evil, it cannot be allowed to exist.What is the last son of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black to do?…

the fragile house of black (14)

the fragile house of black (14)

3 0 1

"If you threatened someone, how long would you wait before you followed through?"Even though Alphard was dead and gone, Orion could imagine how he would have answered, his blue eyes wicked over his cup of tea, lips curling up like his father's, like his nephew's. Precisely as long as needed to make them squirm, and then just a bit more.Orion sighed. "You are not helpful."When Lord Voldemort asks you to do something for him, you better know what you're doing before you throw him out of your house. Orion Black has made a mistake, and now he must cut off Voldemort's ability to end Regulus' life as retaliation.Except it wasn't the first mistake Orion had made. And he's running out of time to fix things.…

the fragile house of black (13)

the fragile house of black (13)

2 0 1

"You can't hate an entire species!""I do, though.""Even Remus?"Peter closed his eyes. "A little bit," he admitted."Remus is your best friend," Sirius said slowly. "He had nothing to do with the attack. You were with him the whole time! You know that!""And I keep thinking that if I hadn't been, I could've done something."Peter Pettigrew was not the strongest wizard, or the smartest, or the bravest, or the most handsome. But he did know what it meant to be loyal to your friends. And for nearly seven years, Peter and the Marauders were nothing but loyal to each other.That all started to unravel when they had to choose between one Marauder's pain and another's innocence.Every villain needs an origin story.This is Peter's.…

the fragile house of black (12)

the fragile house of black (12)

1 0 1

"Why the hell is he hooking up with Llewellyn when you are right there?" Peter demanded."Because he's curious!" Remus blew up at his fringe, trying to get it out of his eyes. "He was wondering if maybe the reason he's so bored with all the girls is because he likes guys, and all because of bloody David Llewellyn!""Did he tell you that?" Peter asked, looking over for Remus' nod. "And you didn't offer!?"It's Sirius' last year at Hogwarts, and the gay population at Hogwarts has decided they have to make a move before he graduates. Unfortunately, Remus did not make that move first, and now he's left watching as Sirius has a secret gay awakening without him.What's a lonely young werewolf to do?…

the fragile house of black (11)

the fragile house of black (11)

1 0 1

Alphard Black is dying. He wants to see his disowned nephew one last time. He has something very important he needs to ask Sirius before he goes.…

the fragile house of black (10)

the fragile house of black (10)

2 0 1

The war is creeping closer to Hogwarts. At least one student has already been attacked in the halls. But when Remus accidentally rips open a wound from Sirius' past, he doesn't know how to stop the bleeding.Thankfully, Sirius is now safe with the Potters. Effie, Monty, and James all take it in turns to help him heal.…