Old Man Angst

Old Man Angst

23 3 1

Sometimes Stan's thoughts go into dark, dark places.Trigger warning for suicidal thoughts, but there is a happy ending, don't fret.Pre-series.…

Gravity Falls Twangst

Gravity Falls Twangst

788 27 16

A collection of Gravity Falls short stories that for the most part focus on relationships between twins. I'm new to Wattpad, so please be kind. These are reposted from FFN and AO3.…

One Rainy Night

One Rainy Night

228 18 17

After the Marilyn Incident, Stan goes looking for his car...and instead he finds someone who might help him reconcile with Ford and save the world-decades ahead of schedule.Part one of what I call the Flipside AU.…



6 1 1

Just a little slice of life fic about the boys watching television together. Can be seen as either sea grunks or at the Shack, because it works both ways.…

Lost Boys

Lost Boys

244 3 20

Ford already wasn't having a great day when he was just trying to escape from the dungeon of his former castle. But now his estranged twin has showed up to rescue him, opening up the old familiar can of worms.Portal Pines AU, with lots of arguing and (hopefully) eventual reconciliation between those two knuckleheads.…

Pines Family vs. Technology

Pines Family vs. Technology

31 11 3

Exactly what it sounds like. I already have some ideas in mind, but am open to suggestions for the future.…

Two Stanleys are better than One

Two Stanleys are better than One

162 13 12

A bizarre event on the Stan O'War II occurs (yes, more bizarre than usual). Namely, a portal opens. But this time, nobody gets sucked through. And the one who comes in isn't necessarily who anyone was expecting.…

Love Is...

Love Is...

6 1 1

Part free verse pseudo-poetry, part drabble, part examination of sea grunk life, hopefully all good.…

May-Gucket Monthly

May-Gucket Monthly

19 2 1

A little incident in the life of our favorite hillbilly. Set probably sometime before the arrival of Dipper and Mabel, a few years or something.Maybe a little triggering? Definitely kind of sad.…

The Next Adventure

The Next Adventure

19 0 2

This reunion between the Pines brothers is a lot happier than the last one. Because it's probably the last reunion they'll ever need to have.That's right, folks-the crossover nobody asked for, but that I'm doing anyway. I hope you like it.…

Truth Ache, take 2

Truth Ache, take 2

234 19 6

A Gravity Falls AU, set after "The Stanchurian Candidate."Mabel is tired of her grunkles fighting, and resorts to stronger measures.Will her plan work, or is the Pines twins classic's friendship gone forever?And will the grunkles ever get their hairbrushes back?Read this to find out, and to understand that last question!…



6 0 1

After defeating Probabilitor the Annoying, Dipper has a little something to say to Stan and the girls. Ford, however, is a bit more stubborn about the whole thing. Just a silly little drabble to cleanse my personal annoyance.…