A New Dawn : (Book One) Dark Promises

A New Dawn : (Book One) Dark Promises

186 11 25

quote/; " the dawn of the clan is near " . Dawnpaw and Doepaw are struggling after a death of a clanmate due to the sudden sinkholes , Thrushpaw thinks Hollowstar can be the best leader in all the clans until she learns a secret that changes her world , Whiteclaw uncovers a very dirty secret about his leader that will make his deputy Pricklewing leader , these four cats will change the four clans forever...…

A New Dawn( Book Two )A Forgotten Code

A New Dawn( Book Two )A Forgotten Code

147 37 21

quote/: the dawn of the clans is near . Dawnpaw , Doepaw , and Whiteclaw have formed JadeClan , but also formed an enemy too . Dawnpaw is deputy after Turtlespike the old deputy died , one problem being deputy is one cat will do anything in their power to become deputy . Doepaw was left her rude side to Softsong , Softsong has found a willing kit to be her apprentice when she notices her mentor wasn't been rude to her , she thinks it a joke until Doepaw expresses her whole feelings. Thrushpaw and Applepaw have broken their calm sibling relationship, after a battle against rouges and her her other brother Brindlepaw nearly dying she takes a break of her and Applepaw's war and maybe IceClan . Whiteclaw is watching over Barleykit , a kit who he thinks has great potential of being his apprentice, sadly he won't be able to mentor the kit , great grief has stuck Whiteclaw , he spends as much time as he can with Barleykit , but he can't grieve forever, his warrior spirit must rise from grief , these warriors's fates have been shaping JadeClan and IceClan and destroying them...…



29 7 7

Hello class today Silvergaze will be teaching you the history of the clans along with Dawnstar ( the crazy drunk teacher ) Leafstar ( the smart teacher who wishes to be a math teacher ) Flamestar ( the teacher who is always on fire ) and Icestar ( the teacher who kills cats ) . They'll be teaching why and how they founded the clans along with other drunk medicine cats .…

Guide to the Cats I have now , and stuff

Guide to the Cats I have now , and stuff

60 11 10

( title explains it all )…

A New Dawn ( Book Three ) Corrupt Clan

A New Dawn ( Book Three ) Corrupt Clan

44 8 5

quote/ " the chase has ended "Chasestar has seized control of JadeClan , Whiteclaw has returned to the clans telling all he knows . The clans send cats towards Whiteclaw's exact directions. Cloudpaw takes time bonding with the cats in other clans thinking that soon she won't feel like a side character, Thrushlight thinks about how Whiteclaw revealed Hollowstar's secrets and how Clawstar follows her around causing her angry to pipe up every minute , Mintnose is still thinking of Robinleaf, Whiteclaw's worried for Thrushlight when she told him that Clawstar follows her around , Tansypaw's omen comes to life when the little patrol meets JadeClan , they find out that JadeClan is falling apart in battle and loyalty...…

A New Dawn ( Book Four ) The Lost Warrior

A New Dawn ( Book Four ) The Lost Warrior

16 2 1

;/ quote / " the dawn of the clan is near " . Properly and newly named Dawnfeather and Doespot are helping JadeClan clean up the mess that Chasestar has left . Jadestar is worried about the war that Chasetstar has made against BloodClan , she meets kittypets and learns that Deathstar and her " BloodClan " take things very seriously, her code is ' kill or be killed ' and that she took in Barkface , a tom with very dangerous cats . Softsong prepares for war but tries to heal her clanmates wounds , she meets Flashstrike in secret every night . She knows she's breaking a code , Turtlespike tells her it's her destiny. But Softsong doesn't know if Flashstrike feels the same way . JadeClan is on the brink of war , how will Jadestar survive...…