My Pawfect Rebirth

My Pawfect Rebirth

11,032 173 200

After listening to what his old childhood friend tells him, Izuku Midoriya is about to end his own life by committing suicide. In the middle of him attempting to 'take a swan dive off the roof' he is stopped and comes across a Grim Reaper. This Grim Reaper decides that Izuku's life will not end so simply and believes that he has a lot more to live for. So what better way than to have this Grim Reaper change Izuku into Izumi? And what better way for the Grim Reaper to give the person responsible for this remark than to have them reborn as a dog? Read to find out!Drawing for the cover is not mine, I wish to give credit to whoever's it is.Rankings:#1 - dekufem#1 - femdeku#1 - izukuxkatsuki…

Luck be a Lady

Luck be a Lady

2,600 186 176

Sequel to Paging Dr. Deku!Taking place 10 years since the Epilogue of Paging Dr. Deku, things have certainly changed in the past 10 years. Now Katsuki Bakugo's eldest daughter; Sophie Bakugo, is starting her second year at UA and wanting to continue what her father's started as a hero. Though Sophie is somewhat happy being a student at the same school her father went to, that doesn't mean her home life has been easy. She lost her mother, Izuku Midoriya, from a terrible accident 10 years ago when she was still a little girl, and because of this, her father has basically distanced himself from his own family. Sophie just hopes that she'll manage to get her father's attention now that she's not in her first year of high school anymore, but of course, not everything is going to be easy.Not only will things possibly become more of a challenge for Sophie to become a hero, but maybe her own love life will be a new challenge.But that's not all, as upon going to the school infirmary, Sophie meets the school nurse, who just happens to look exactly like her late mother. Sophie isn't the only one with love problems, as it seems Katsuki's love life will be re-blossoming when he meets the school nurse as well. Will Sophie manage to get her father to focus on his family again? Will Sophie be able to get through her high school without all these problems? Will Katsuki find a new love, or think of the past and what he could've done to save his late wife before losing her to such a terrible accident? Read to find out!…

Shangri La Pt. 1

Shangri La Pt. 1

5,745 214 152

Taking place in Traditional China, the Todoroki Kingdom and the Yaoyorozu Clan agree to have their heirs be married to calm both sides of the West and East colonies and form an alliance. But what happens when the two heirs who have never met and are destined to be married in less than 3 months after the agreement has been made?A girl with Emerald green hair and eyes is made to serve a member of the Yaoyorozu Clan, but what happens when she comes across a man with Ash blond hair and Ruby red eyes who is the Captain of the Todoroki knights?This is not the best description, but please do read and find out more!Updates will be once everyday!The pictures for the cover are not mine, they belong to their rightful artists!…

My Old Hero

My Old Hero

68,839 1,527 200

Katsuki Bakugo, now the Number 1 hero is told he has to get a new Hero suit since he's had the same one since he was a student at UA. Though he's resistant on getting a new suit, things start to change for him when he meets Izumi Midoriya, the person designing his new suit. Little does he realize that the person who is designing his new suit is an old friend that he's been waiting to see. Izumi Midoriya is a retired hero and is now working as a scientist on I-Island and is pushed to design a suit for the Number 1 hero. Will these two recognize each other right away and continue where they left off? Read to find out! There's a bit of fluff, smut is also out now! I give warnings when they do happen! Completed story and edited now!Rankings:#1 dekufem#1 dekuxkacchan#1 - oldfriends#1 - izukuxbakugo…

Bound To You

Bound To You

10,100 452 75

After getting fired from her job for no reason, Izuku Midoriya ends up upset and desperate to find a way to make herself feel better. So what does she do? She decides to go out and get drunk only to wake up in a hotel and finding out she had sex. And who's the person she had sex with? None other than the Number 1 hero; Dynamite, AKA; Katsuki Bakugo. It was just a one night stand, right? Wrong, as she soon finds out weeks later that she's pregnant and forces herself to only tell her closest friends but not even her boyfriend-the Number 2 Hero; Shoto. It gets even worse when she does find out who she had sex with and who's child she's carrying. And the worst part? Katsuki proposes to Izuku that they should get married since she's pregnant with his kid. How are things going to work out for these two? Will everything go smooth and easy for the both of them? Read to find out!Updates will be daily!This is a collaboration fanfic with @Akayleariley as she was the one who gave me this idea and wished for me to write it, so I will give her credit as needed!…

Paging Dr. Deku

Paging Dr. Deku

17,684 537 95

Though she went to U.A., Izuku Midoriya ended up being in the Support Course through school, and though she did become a hero, she retired from that pretty early to become a doctor. As much as she's been away from the hero life, that doesn't mean she isn't a hero anymore as she's a doctor saving lives. But as much as she wants to be happy with her life, it seems her romantic life hasn't found the right place... At least not until she crosses a familiar childhood friend by a one night stand she has with them. Katsuki Bakugo is known as the Number 1 hero, but he's been living a secret second life ever since he started high school. What's that secret? He has a second personality that acts completely opposite of him. And this second personality has appeared again after almost 10 years since his last appearanceRankings - #1 - dekufem#1 - femdeku…

My New Hero

My New Hero

10,303 219 75

Taking place shortly after the events of it's prequel; My Old Hero, Izuku and Katsuki agree that they want to create a family together. Of course this involves a lot of trial and error and even when they do start to become new parents, it doesn't seem that everything's as easy as they say. The public actually wonders if this couple will stay a couple after having kids since it seems they've been arguing a lot recently, and that's not the only issue. What's the main issue? Will Izuku's distant relatives from her cousin's side approve of her marriage to the Number 1 hero; Dynamite, as well as having 3 kids with him and get through the hardships together? Read to find out!Cover belongs to twitter artist: @x_hchicbeeThis is the sequel to My Old Hero, so please read the prequel first before reading this!!!Rankings#1 - dekufem…

First Sight

First Sight

51,412 1,594 123

Katsuki Bakugo is the CEO and owns one of the most highest and well achieved business company; Dynamite Corp. He is planning on expanding his property and making a new branch, but there's only one problem getting in his way. The land where he wants to build his new branch currently holds property that cannot be sold. The property already holds a unique mansion and this mansion is not for sale as there is still somebody who owns the property. Who owns the property? A young and beautifully talented writer and author named Izumi Toshinori. Will Katsuki be able to get what he wants from this girl? Read to find out!Cover is drawn by Twitter artist @x_hchicbeeRankings:#1 - bakudeku#1 - femdeku#1 - kastukibakugo#1 - izumi…

My Character Designs

My Character Designs

536 2 43

Originally this was my Art book, but since I haven't been drawing recently and found a website that allows me to create my own characters, I will be posting those pictures instead!This will not be a daily or weekly update thing, I'll just post whenever!But do enjoy!…