Impossible Match

Impossible Match

1 0 1

When the world of werewolves needs to live in harmony with humans, it becomes quite challenging; especially when the Alpha's mate is human. However, what happens when there were no signs unless the Alpha were in wolf form? Quick spoiler, his life is flipped. Join along the High School Drama themed book as we unfold the romance awaiting.…



1,958 57 6

A really annoying and painful back experience that others should not say "Stop complaining"You have know idea how much it hurts us with this condition. It stops us from doing a lot of things that people with straight spines can do.Say "stop complaining" and I won't be the responsible for why your back hurts. I will personally go up to you everytime you say "My back hurts"…

The Secret of a Shark

The Secret of a Shark

86 3 3

I have a secret that I don't even know about until I'm shown. Only a certain female will love me and not fear me. I like a certain girl but the person she is training with is a bully. Once I become more confident of the water, I no longer fear it and swim with others. My life couldn't get any better now.Read this book to find out what this person is and to find out what happens later in his life.…

My Life Experiences

My Life Experiences

49 0 7

Okay hey everyone. I hope you enjoy reading this book. It is about hard and good life lessons that I can't always handle.When I write it up I can let stress out but I still struggle a lot with expressing my feelings.Unless I'm happy I don't have to say a word. It's hilarious to my friends.…

Different from Others

Different from Others

981 68 21

Leo is a rare Panther and he goes to school having to not be scared or tensed so he doesn't freak out. Well that's what is mean't to happen. Leo becomes friends with Nellie and April, they become really good friends then... something happens that Leo has never heard of. Leo has never heard of the feud that is going on between Felines and Canines. Can Leo help with the situation? Will they all be friends still?Find out throughout the novel and explore the path of Leo as he makes his decision.…

Conversations with my Friends

Conversations with my Friends

4 0 1

Hey readers. you don't have to read this book. this book is just about me having random, funny and sometimes awkward conversations. I find them really funny and they can be about us or other people. Please don't take offense to this. They are just funny coversations that I have with my friends.This book is mainly me and my friend @HalfBlood_Princess9 (AKA Chanelle)…

Short stories

Short stories

9 0 1

This is where I am making short stories. I might use these stories for future books but so far, they are just going to be short stories.…