Cinderella's Shoe (COMPLETED)

Cinderella's Shoe (COMPLETED)

98,624 3,541 71

"Why?" She interrogated once they entered the room together, apprehensive about what she was inquiring and petrified of who she was interviewing.Their surroundings were small, meaning that there was little chance for her to escape, to his happiness. The store cupboard was littered with dusty cleaning equipment that could have easily been centuries old, shelves hanging on rusty hinges, and the strange scent of strong lemons filled the air, setting a scene that would surely be remembered for the two of them.He shut and locked the door, turned to face her, and proceeded to ask a question of his own."Why what?" He replied, anxious in his own way- fearful for what she could do next."Why haven't you done it yet?""What?" He still didn't understand what she was talking about."Why haven't you rejected me? Thrown me away like the garbage I am? Why haven't you hurt me-"^-^-^-^-^-^-^ Ariel Black could have been normal like everyone else, but -she wasn't.She was a werewolf.She could turn into a wolf at will, she was faster, stronger than humans, she had fast healing abilities, and it was much easier for her to find her soulmate- her mate- than it was for humans.But as soon as she steps into a fairytale Masquerade party, (ironically dressed as Cinderella), the most feared Alpha of them all discovers her. And after a dance and a single glance at each other...They're mates.As fate, irony and humour would have it, she flees like the real Cinderella that she is, scared that he would reject her, leaving behind two clues for him to find her:Her scent,And a shoe. Determined to find out who the mysterious girl (also the pack's next Luna) was, Alpha-to-be Jacob Prince goes on a frantic search for his maiden. Ariel hides away from him, but how long will it be until she's discovered?*Warning! Definitely has vulgar language and dirty talk* Cover made by @truthsforme.31/3/2020: Completed until the editing begins…



14 1 3

The beauty of a season is nothing like the beauty of a girl...For the Beauty and the Beast competition 2017…

Dirty Paws

Dirty Paws

285 13 6

Amethyst owns a dark past. But hers is worse to what Ariel suffers every day. Much worse Running never helped her solve anything. But she just wasn't ready to go back quite yet. And going back means dealing with problems and emotions she doesn't want to and isn't ready to deal with yet. She may never be ready. And with her Dirty Paws from all the running, who says this wolf can ever be free?Despite all of this, one thing is certain...May the best wolf win. *Sequel to Cinderella's Shoe. Most events run parallel to that book, but the final chapters may reveal spoilers* *May contain scenes of violence that can upset and trigger emotions which readers can find distressing!**Cover made by the amazing @wildstripes 26.08.2016.* COMING 2021…

If This Was A Movie

If This Was A Movie

299 9 10

The shadows surrounded me, the moon highlighting the darkness of the forest. The trees stood and watched me, their silhouettes reflected in the night.It was my choice.It was time.I had to go.%5%5%5Sophie Kasella is human.She is a carefree girl with a happy spirit. No matter how hard they try, she always stays on the positive side of things. She is fiery and fierce, with wishes for tattoos, dyed hair, and her own motorbike.She has the spirit of a rebel, just waiting to be burned.But no matter what, Sophie knows that there is something missing in her life. Just out there waiting for her.And there is.It's her mate.Draco Falcon.…