Mob Talker - An EnderDragon for a Girlfriend!?

Mob Talker - An EnderDragon for a Girlfriend!?

21,244 194 13

Kyle Cole was just living a normal life, having a blast playing games with his best friend, goes to school, spent time with his family and stuff.But he just missing one thing, love, he never experienced it before, but everything changed when the fire nation atta- opps sorry I mean when the daugther of the EnderDragon of minecraft came out of his moniter.Oh and The Creator of the deleted Fanfic called "Cupa" by Rhapsody at If ur reading this this story, it is inspired by U, thanks for creating that awesome story, the cliffhanger is what made me hate u a bit though :/…

Mob Talker - The Beginning of a Change

Mob Talker - The Beginning of a Change

2,044 27 2

Have you ever dreamed of getting teleported in your favourite game of choice? Sounds childish no doubt about it but as a gamer you can't really deny that deep down you wanted it to happen.And so...Evan, a person who gets annoyed easily, had to experience life in Minecraft, the dream of every minecraft players.Interesting right?But life always doesn't go what you planned, and Evan gets to know that the hard way.…

My Drawings

My Drawings

1,444 51 21

Well, as the name says it's a collection of drawings that I made. Featuring my characters from my stories Mob talker story V.2 and The EnderDragon is my Girlfriend!?It's pretty good, I'm not that sure because I just started drawing 3 years ago and now I'm 15, criticise it all you want, more the better, It'll teach me of what I did wrong and improve my drawings and watch as my drawings gets better and better, believe me the second version of my drawing of Evan is better than the first!If you liked it please Vote, you don't have too if I don't deserve it, sometimes drop a nice comment or two, it'll fuel my inspiration for drawings.Thanks for giving me your time! ^-^…

Mob Talker story V.2

Mob Talker story V.2

14,021 140 11

Ok this is the 3rd time I changed this storys description, Lol here it goes.Evan, a 16 year old guy, who isn't a serious type of person, even in life and death situation, he still makes his enemies laugh. While still in combat. But he's the type of person to get anoyyed easily.Anyway, this is where the magic happens, teleported to Minecraft or Minecraftia or whatever you called it, the thought of getting in his situation is just a childish dream. For some reason, Herobrine, make the impossible, possible.(You know the real identity of Herobrine if you read my "My Girlfriend is an EnderDragon!?" Book)He met lots and lots of people, the Mob royalties, The human royalties. Fighting against the Cryomancers.Even though he liked the idea of it, but everything changed when reality strikes. As usual, life doesn't always go the way you planned...Based of the Mob Talker of Minecraft (obviously)P.S- I always update my stories on my phone so there's probably gonna be some weird sentences.…

Fantasy world

Fantasy world

43 1 1

Saber knows nothing about his past life, he doesn't know anything, literally... But what he knows is that everytime he sleep he dream about a bit about him before and at his previous world, doesn't have monsters, elves, animals that looks like humans, magic, etc…