Terminal Fuse

Terminal Fuse

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Triggering an explosion, seventeen-year-old Angeline Castillo bites it, escaping the Γ†RA research facility and its horrors... temporarily. Hours later, she awakens - terrified and alone back in the lab, only to discover cybernetic implants replace half her skull, reversing the damage that'd killed her. Upgraded, she finds enhanced living to be a blessed curse. Cuz while technopathic abilities are cool, a disembodied voice in your head that's reading your thoughts, seeing through your eyes, and speaking in your dead brother's voice? Not so cool. Still... the voice's got a name Archie, and he claims to have access to the entire facility, so they form a pact. She'll fight her way to him if he'll help her survive. But Archie and Angeline have secrets of their own: secrets that could endanger their friendship, his existence, and her very identity. And the closer they get, the more inseparable they become. Posted weekly, Terminal Fuse is a young adult, sci-fi horror by Josiah Gray. Cover art is also by Josiah Gray, with images licensed from or used with permission by NASA and Pexels (via Pixabay).…