The one where Oliver and Sara just don't give a fuck anymore

The one where Oliver and Sara just don't give a fuck anymore

187 13 5

What if the Westallen wedding hadn't been interrupted by Nazis?…

What's wrong with us when happy hurts

What's wrong with us when happy hurts

5,056 136 97

An alternative take on season 5 if Sara never joined the Legends and came back to Star City and the struggles she and Team Arrow face in dealing with her bloodlust, the aftermath of her death and resurrection and the emotional impact giving William up has on Oliver. this is the sequel to my story "Breathe".…

I belong to the church of your name Sing a song

I belong to the church of your name Sing a song

243 9 7

What if even though Sara had come back to Starling in Season One, she'd never actually come home or left the League? This is a collection of one-shots playing in said universe.…

We all kept secrets. Some out of kindness, some in anger

We all kept secrets. Some out of kindness, some in anger

26 2 1

Thea takes the opportunity presented to her and asks Sara a question that has been bugging her for a while now, not sure if she expected an answer or not.…

Tonight, we are young maybe we could find new ways to fall apart

Tonight, we are young maybe we could find new ways to fall apart

422 19 19

A collection of pre-Gambit one-shots... for now... focusing on the friendship between Oliver & Sara and leading up to their affair. But there will also be plenty of scene focusing on Oliver, Tommy and the Lance sisters and the characters we know were parts of their lives pre-Gambit.…

Sometimes, yeah, sometimes, there's good in goodbye

Sometimes, yeah, sometimes, there's good in goodbye

989 27 18

What if Oliver and Sara had reached China? How different would things be? Just a little AU scenario that's been bugging me for the past two weeks or so.…

Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me

Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me

39 2 1

He was fucked, and he knew it. He'd known it even before he had reached the point of no return.…

I need to believe no matter what happens in our lives we can come back from it

I need to believe no matter what happens in our lives we can come back from it

53 1 1

John walked passed him, leaving him alone with his thoughts, not something he wanted to be right now.Oliver was tempted to call Sara, to ask her opinion on his plan. She had given him a number to reach her, just in case.Season 4 Episode 7 Brotherhood…

Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me

Story of my life, searching for the right but it keeps avoiding me

46 1 1

He was fucked, and he knew it. He'd known it even before he had reached the point of no return.…

Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came

Yes, this is all I have left in me the way love goes is not the way that it came

40 1 1

Having lost both of them at the same time had been brutal, their absence leaving such an enormous hole in his life. But having Oliver back now just made Sara's absence so much more apparent…

Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo

Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo

81 3 1

During a vacation trip with both Team Arrow and Team Flash Quentin comes to an uncomfortable revelation of what exactly it was that his youngest daughter did last night...and who she did it with.…

I wasn't going to lose you again

I wasn't going to lose you again

37 1 1

You remember how Felicity pointed out that Oliver wasn't feeling anything after Sara's death and how they stored her body in the freezer.... this is my take on those statements...…

We were just talking and you said 'see you soon', I didn't appreciate it

We were just talking and you said 'see you soon', I didn't appreciate it

75 1 1

Oliver really needs a friend and Lyla gets some insight.…



1,522 10 8

Oliver is reacting to Sara being alive and ensouled again and it has a ripple effect on the whole team.…