The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide Book 3

The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide Book 3

35 0 6

I'm back to writing in public! I value your comments. The title is still not set, nor is the cover. I hope you enjoy this.- Jim…

The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to Disillusionment

The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to Disillusionment

919 138 40

Book 2 of the Wakeful Wanderer's series.Book 1 is The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to New New England & Beyond. That's a good place to start. It's available here. The America of our near-future is divided across socio-economic and technological-philosophical lines. The Traditionalists eschew any and all post-human technologies in favor of tangible materials. They uphold strict hierarchical structures based on religion, family, and leadership. They long for the return of the global markets wiped out by a world-shaking disaster called The Great Tide. The Interconnected stand in stark opposition to their ways, living without property, family, or religion, and modifying their bodies with the help of new and invasive technologies. They speak to each other wordlessly, employing a technological telepathy they call 'thexting' to communicate mind to mind, and embrace the gifting economy of Merit to maintain their post-scarcity lifestyles.Marto, the traveling Interconnected historian, has exiled himself to protect the ones he loves from his dark secret. In his absence, Helen, a runaway Traditionalist aristocrat, struggles to find her place among the Interconnected, unwilling to return to her cruel family. Reyleena, the former head of security in the Interconnected town of Reverside, has returned to a life of quiet solitude, broken occasionally by the impositions of The Other, an omnipresent AI, who will not leave her alone. Meanwhile, Barnabas, the Traditionalist leader of New Atlantic, fights to return to his township in the wake of an attack. Nora, his sister, remains in Reverside and must come to terms with her new life in captivity.…

The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to New New England & Beyond

The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to New New England & Beyond

21,272 1,099 40

Book 1 of the Wakeful Wanderer's series.A captivating, fresh envisioning of a climate-changed future seen from two starkly different cultural perspectives, The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide to New New England & Beyond follows the paths of a runaway aristocrat, a Luddite tyrant, a spy seeking retribution, and a wandering historian unicycling north along the crumbling Boston Post Road.Winner of the Watty Award: Newcomer Category 2017Marto Boxter is a plucky journalist with a head full of implants. He is planning a unicycle ride from his town of Reverside-on-Hudson through the climate-altered communities of New New England, posting his thoughts in real time for his interconnected followers via technological telepathy. Before he can go on tour, a wanderer named Helen arrives with secret information that throws Marto's placid world into turmoil.Miles to the south, Barnabas Yoniver IV, the leader of a Luddite town launches a plot to disrupt the life of all upgraded human beings and bring them back to the traditional economy of markets and governments. Meanwhile, rival Luddite families plot to prevent Barnabas from grabbing too much power for himself.This darkly humorous reflection of our changing world is an exploration of what it means to be human as our relationships with technology become increasingly intimate.…



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These are notes to myself as well as to anyone else who might find them interesting. I based it on a blog post, but realized it might be nice to update chapters with new thoughts. I'm keeping each chapter very short here to make it a quick reference for myself and maybe for you.…