

42 1 5

Survivor, extra-dimensional refugee, warrior, immortal, mage ... these are just some of the descriptions given to the man who became known as Eternal.Follow the story of Zardi, last noble of ancient Zandipore. The origin of the public domain character from Centaur Comics sees the future Eternal Man escape his dimension to arrive on one of an infinite number of alternate earths, where his mere presence will shape that reality, all the way from the distant past to the present day.Other tellings have shown him near his end. Now see his beginnings.Set in the Fox Multiverse - Earth-C.This version of The Eternal Man and all related Earth-C derivatives, costumes, character traits and storylines (except for those based in original source material) are the Intellectual property and CR of Jason Greenfield and authorized Fox Multiverse creatives.…

Magical Tales of Earth-F

Magical Tales of Earth-F

37 9 3

A tale of magic…

The Black Fury

The Black Fury

84 5 3

Tales of the Black Fury, his partner, Kid Fury and related characters.The Earth-F Black Fury and all related characters are a version unique to FOX UNIVERSE/EARTH-F and JASON GREENFIELD/AUTHORISED CREATIVES and may not be used without permission.The original Black Fury, Kid Fury and villains like The Fang and Whitey are public domain characters and open to anyone to use, based on the original stories and designs, NOT EARTH-F additions.…

Fox Universe

Fox Universe

1,029 70 31

Who's Who in the Fox Universe. Meet all the Earth-F characters and some additional ones from across the Multiverse.Although the original iterations of these characters are Public Domain, the Earth-F versions are copyright Jason Greenfield and the authorized Fox Universe/Earth-F Creatives.All art work credited to the original artist.…

Fox Multiverse Presents ...

Fox Multiverse Presents ...

1,302 151 57

Some Earths are off the beaten track. Some of the heroes you might encounter there are a bit off maybe. Take Earth-Aus for instance. It's ... well, see for yourself in the Bleedin' Adventures of Spidey-Mate (good bloke) and his bloody amazing friends!Coming (cancelled) soon: The adventures of the mighty Social Justice Warriors! Join our heroes aboard their orbiting inclusive space HQ ... the SAFE SPACE. See how to do heroes the right and appropriate way as The Hacktivist, G-Fluid, Inclusion, Citizen Global, Trans-Porter, PoC, Professor Liberal, The Woke, Virtue and Signal, Non Binary, Iceflake and others are led by their (voted in and approved by committe) team coordinator, the daring caped social crusader, The Progressive!Thrill as the team condems one of their own in ... "The Trial of the Feminist!"Watch as they spend half their time fighting rival super team The National Patriot Champions of America.These and many more adventures await you!…

Legends of the Scarab

Legends of the Scarab

438 49 14

Legends of the Scarab is set in the Earth-F continuity in and around the fictional TRIPLE CITIES - CHICAGO, CENTRE CITY and YORK CITY. It's its own bubble far away from New York and LA, where the original public domain Blue Beetle and related characters dwell!…

City of Flames

City of Flames

299 31 8

The City of Flames is an important location on Earth-F, connected to many heroes of the golden age.Right from the start, thousands of years before Christ, the warrior Lamas of the City of Flames have led the fight against the forces of darkness trying to break through to Earth from the Realm Beyond (otherwise known as The Fourth Dimension or The Shadowlands). And while there would be no magic or powers without that realm beyond, and while benevolent creatures do exist, the origin of evil starts there. And the line holds on Earth.If the mystic communities related to the City fail, We all die!This anthology will present chronological stories from the hidden civilization that exists in a pocket dimension attached to Tibet, and to all those heroes of the ages connected to Earth's greatest defense.From Utnapishtim (the First refugee) to Gilgamesh, Samson, Hercules and others to the legendary Wu Deha, through to the great champions of the 20th and 21st century such as Wonderman, The Flame, Yarko, Zanzibar and Illuso, these tales of heroism from myself and writers such as @NightElfLady @KV_Wilson and others, will unfold a tapestry, both here and in separate serials.…

Tales from Earth-F

Tales from Earth-F

2,461 233 49

Welcome to the Fox Universe - Earth-F is where the heroes of the public domain 1930's-1950's Fox Features dwell. In Tales, read flash fics and short continued stories about such characters as The Immortal Gunslinger, Domino, The legacy of the Black Fury, Thruster Platinum, The Legion of Time and others.Tales from Earth-F is a companion series to Alice the Immortal and Other Superhuman Tales, where you can explore the present day of Earth-F and it's big over-arcing storyline with Alice the Immortal, and The Eagle, as well as find out lots more by reading Invaders from Another Dimension.Other Earth-F serials include:The Golden Knight - Adventures in Acre by @JohnnedwillDr Fung by @StevenJPembertonZanzibar the Magician by @NightElfLadyAlthough anyone can use the original characters and public domain adventures to write about Fox Features characters, the Fox Universe/Earth-F versions, stories and concepts are copyright and TM Jason Greenfield and authorized Fox Universe creatives only.You can find our facebook fan group here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/633849220767106/…

Mr Giggles

Mr Giggles

209 30 10

Mr Giggles is old now. Old as all get out.He's had a good long life, yessir. Killin' maimin' an creatin all kindsa havoc, from way back. An they ain't never caught him neither.He's been onea them, howd'ya say, urban legends? Course that means folks has been speculatin' since the 1960's. Lotsa theories. Most of em just plain wrong. Credit for the work of ol Giggles an his protoge', Billy Boy, whal, credits gone ta others. An mebbe it's time ta set the record straight.Might be you'll be the one gets ta record it all? Don't fret now. Y'all are perfectly safe. That ol clown might wanta kill ya, but them days is sadly past. Serial murder, rape, cannibalism ... it's a young man's game.But even so ... don't get too close, ya hear?…

Alice the Immortal and other Superhuman Tales

Alice the Immortal and other Superhuman Tales

1,343 132 29

The Central book of the Fox Universe/Earth-F.Alice the Immortal and The Eagle Ascends - set in the present day of Earth-f (based on the public domain comic book universe Fox Features, which was active 1939-1950's).Stories taking place from 1939 to present day.Alice just wants to be left alone to enjoy her immortal life (900 years+) but on Earth-F, following the Anti-Vigilante act of 2002, being 'special' puts a target on your back. As Alice deals with her accumulated guilt and neurosis, how much longer can Alice slide under the radar, before THEY notice and come after her!The Eagle is the last hero standing - a man who refuses to give up and is determined to find out what happened to the lost science hero community. You can beat him, you can stab him him, you can shoot him, but you CAN'T break him! Can one man, even one with an iron will, make a difference in the authoritarian United States of the present day? Especially when every time he puts on his costume, he puts a target on his back! And that's without dealing with the trauma and memory losses that make his past fuzzy, including how a young man in his early/mid twenties can remember fighting in the second world war, but nothing between 1948 and waking up in the desert several years earlier.…



37,863 358 17

The long promised book that women will love and men will get penis envy from.If you LOVED 50 Shades, you will LOVE this book. If you HATED 50 Shades, you will LOVE this book.Perfect and sexy characters doing sexy things ... with lots and lots of repetition.Sebastian Black is a sexy billionaire writer haunted by the past. Alexandra Katsoff is a clumsy clueless sexy girl looking to belong. There's lots of sexy stuff. What else do you need to know! Plus Kinkarella, a story within the story.MATURE (X RATED) CONTENT WARNING - IT'S COMEDY AND SATIRE ON BAD WRITING AND EROTICA BUT STILL PRETTY SAUCY STUFF! BE WARNED ... UNDER 18'S, PRUDES AND THOSE WITH HEART CONDITIONS/GIVEN TO FLUTTERING OF FANS, PALPITATIONS THE UTTERING OF 'OH MY!', PLEASE AVOID FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH, SAFETY AND GENERAL MENTAL WELL BEING. THANK YOU.…

Mythlands: THE HEIST

Mythlands: THE HEIST

4,554 468 141

Once more, the Hare is up to his old tricks ... but has he met someone even trickier who is about to talk him into doing something, very, very stupid. From the domain of the Mythical Creatures, across the border to the land of the Aesir and on towards Myth Vegas, the Hare embarks on an adventure where not only will he get the money and the girl, but he'll show that damn Tortoise he doesn't need him! Will it all work out?NOTE: The Heist is serial fiction so it doesn't have chapters. There are very small and easy to read scenes instead.…

Bite Size Stories

Bite Size Stories

3,268 486 95

Using the title of my series of flash fiction stories (available on Amazon) BSS on Wattpad is the collected edition of my new Weekend Challenge stories kicking off with the May 12th prompt: Sound.…



2,613 307 62

Dedicated to the memory of Stan Lee, co creator of FATHER TIME.Soldier, Vigilante, Mercenary, hero ... legend.Time has been kickin' ass and takin' names fer over seventy goddamn years, an the old man ain't done yet ... not by a longshot.Compiled by popular demand ... the non chronological adventures of ol FT himself.Note - The style of this collection is deliberately over the top, macho, action movies of the 80's and comics of the early 90's exaggerated fun! Expect masses of things blown up, rambo style mayhem and sheer ridiculous hokey cliche overkill starring action heroes in the best tradition of Terminator, Rambo, Cable/X-Force, The Expendables, 80's Wolverine, Grindhouse movies and more - beer will be swilled, harley davidsons will be ridden, cigars will be smoked copiously and there will be guys with long hair, stubble, leather jackets, shades and biceps the size of basketballs hefting impossibly heavy guns the size of a post box! Mood music in each story will help you get into the swing of the eras and adventures of the titular character.…

Forever Torn

Forever Torn

1,972 345 58

Forever Torn is the true and amazing story of two brothers and three generations of one family - a family torn apart by deaths, poverty, deceit and a promise made by a small boy to his Grandfather over 80 years ago. It is the story of one man who refused to acknowledge his past and his brother who remained bound to protect the secret, despite his own pain. If you have enjoyed fictional epics such as Blood Brothers and Kane and Abel, you will love Forever Torn, which unlike the aforementioned is based on a true and tragic story.…

Invasion from the Appleverse

Invasion from the Appleverse

1,327 203 46

In a world full of anthropomorphic fruit, the Apples dominate half the planet with a grip of iron. Foremost among their ranks is Henri, current Baron of Applestadt and son of the founder of the Great Apple Council. A scientific genius as well as a highborn green apple, the young Baron has discovered the existence of alternate universes, including one where the hated bananas thrive.Driven to the edge of insane rage with the discovery that he has an alternate universe counterpart, Henri is driven to cross the void and torture and exterminate Henry the Banana.But other forces exist, such as the Grand Pineapple and his race of pineapple guardians of the multiverse - will Henri ever achieve his goal, with the assistance of faithful servants such as Igor and Dr Mangostein - will he find a love that blunts his hard edges and prevents his impulsive execution of servants and villagers who displease him? And why have I tagged #FantasticFour #DoctorDoom #SherlockHolmes and #Westworld into a story about fruit???Find out In ... Invasion from the Appleverse!…



1,025 149 21

Fate is all. Destiny is written and every single mortal is beholden to the whims of the Gods. Except one. Her thread broke. Deliberately or on purpose? You will find out. Swanhilde possesses an abundance of beauty but not much in the way of wit and character. She is a vain and shallow girl, convinced of her own superiority and that the poets will sing eddas to celebrate her loveliness. In reality she is fated to only be a minor player in the saga of the hero Hrolf Ironborn, a warrior of reknown who she drove away with her constant rejection. So it is written and so it must be. But then something changes, a moments lapse by a Wyrd sister, and Fate is broken.…

Bizarre TRiUMPhant Tales

Bizarre TRiUMPhant Tales

1,065 143 34

"If you like Political Satire, and crooked politicans getting caught in the rain If you're not into 'fake news', if you have half a brain If you like tweeting at midnight, and posting comments on the netscape I'm the satirist that you've looked for, read my tales, and escape" Welcome one, welcome all ... Hello my little snowflakes and greetings rednecks. Bizarre TRiUMPhant Tales takes no sides and despises you all equally! Well except for the sensible intelligent people who understand context and shades of gray - hopefully you'll have a giggle while the more extreme types go mental and take it all too seriously as per! Now without further ado, I present an eventual 20 tales that will make taking the piss out of American politics GREAT AGAIN!! Plus three bonus tales from my UK based political flash fiction.…

The Unseen Man

The Unseen Man

645 179 42

From Chapter Ten: Heart of Darkness.'I have killed and I have robbed and I have broken most of the civilized laws of man at one time or another, but I leave no witnesses to that fact ... none who have seen my original face. At the point I was empowered and about to take revenge on ******, this was also the cusp of the ultimate phase of my philosophy ... it was the tipping point from Niles Novack, cautious but ambitious career criminal to The Unseen Man, Master Criminal.But first I had people to kill.'Who is The Unseen Man? Hero? Villain? Or something in between?He has been among the worst of humanity - he has tried to conquer the Earth and enact terrible revenge for wrongs, real or perceived but in the here and now he is about to give his life to save you ... to save every one of you.He is the Unseen Man and this is his story.If you love superhero comic books written for adults, you'll love this book.If you love superhero comic book movies, you will love this book.If you're into sci-fi, fantasy and pop culture that takes from the best of all your favourite genres of film, TV, comic book and literature to make an epic world building adventure, the likes of which you've never seen before in prose fiction ... then you, my friend will LOVE this book!For your added reading pleasure, the 3 main parts of the novel are followed by a 'DVD Extra,' section which annotates and explains the majority of the sometimes obscure sci-fi, comicbook, literary pop culture references or easter eggs to be found within.Please support THE UNSEEN MAN - in the future i hope to bring the epic world built within to a line of books set within the MERIDIAN UNIVERSE and for the UNSEEN MAN itself to go on to a live action movie or TV series.I invite satisfied or curious readers to join me any time on my writer page where i will happily discuss the book, characters & in as much as i can ... plans for the future of the franchise.https://www.facebook.com/TheJasonGreenfield?fref=t…