Another Time With You

Another Time With You

14,555 408 20

HIStory 3: Trapped FanfictionHe was a god,but not anymore. However,he still have his power. He needs to make his reincarnated lover fall in love with him again and given a long time. But it's not easy. His lover has to go to the mountain they first meet. Plus,he was tied to the mountain. Unless his lover went there,he can finally went down it and do whatever he can to make his lover fall in love with him again. Now,it's his last chance. If he failed,he would have to go back to receive his punishment...and will never be able to get back with his lover again. This test is one hell of a test from the other gods.…

Fake Wild Fire

Fake Wild Fire

571 21 1

History3:Trapped OneshotShao Fei is someone people would thought as unbreakable and tough. But, does someone can be unbreakable? Is he really like that?…