The Selection: but less competitive, more wholesome

The Selection: but less competitive, more wholesome

34 0 8

Kira only put her name in to get out of her town, which is full of people who look at her and miss the girl she was before being Drafted. Kira is all right with her scars, and stretch marks from the growth hormones. But she's grieving, and needs space to breathe. She didn't expect to actually be chosen. But she wanted out. And she volunteered because she wanted change. She doesn't think the heart she left in New Asia has room to fall in love again so soon, but she's always been adaptable. Such as when she served in an active war zone, or got put on a transplant waiting list, or became an elevated Two, or met thirty-four new and fascinating women. Or since she met a prince.CHANGES FROM CANON:-Kira (pansexual, plus-size) replaces America (no shade though)-women can volunteer to be Drafted-Maxon is friendlier-less infighting; girls start to collaborate rather than competeCONTENT WARNINGS (differing from canon):-some swearing (d***, sh**, h***) -some medical use of needles. CW will be posted, TLDR includedSPOILER CHANGES: -Celeste lives…

The Prince's Pretend Mother

The Prince's Pretend Mother

85,033 3,120 27

When the queen of Mirkwood unexpectedly dies Thanduil is left without a wife, but more importantly his son is left without a mother. The king knows he cannot fill the ruins left by a dead mother so he appoints another woman to take her place, to look after his son when he cannot, and to give him the warmth he no longer feels himself. Inladris is a highborn elf who did not expect this responsibility to be thrust upon her, but she accepts it with aplomb and does her best to not only raise a prince but to give the king a friend she suspects he doesn't realize he needs. This is the story of their peculiar friendship through grief, and how two opposites may or may not successfully raise a child. *This is not a romance.…

A Better Place - The Hobbit Fanfiction

A Better Place - The Hobbit Fanfiction

43,348 1,765 77

Mabyn was born with dwarfism into an already-harsh life. When she is hospitalized and drops into a coma, her mind imagines a better life for her, which to her is simply a life where she is respected, the dangers presented can be fought, and evil is easier to tell apart from the things which she loves. Her imagination transports her to a world of men, elves, dwarves and hobbits, where she unwittingly joins a company of dwarves on their quest to reclaim their homeland, and she finds people with whom she feels at home. *A lot of the dialogue of Tolkien's original characters is kept, as I don't intend to change the story, merely present a different version of it. There is no copyright infringement intended.**I am predominantly following the book, but have included parts of the movie which I enjoyed and thought would complement the story.***This story is in the process of being converted to an original fiction, and I may accidentally use the wrong name in the posted version (mostly in the Alternate/Sequel), so don't panic, I'm just a dipstick.…

The Clouds that Nobody Frees (TStNS sequel)

The Clouds that Nobody Frees (TStNS sequel)

284 12 7

It's been six months since Legolas was shot, and Inladris killed the man who shot him. Everyone's lives have returned to their own versions of normal. Except not everything can. The bread cannot be unbaked, the wounds untorn. Tauriel has barely spoken to the Family since one of them killed her cousin. Elladan is seeing someone he's trying to keep a secret. And the ease between Inladris and Thranduil has turned brittle. Soon they will find that the bonds of family are not always what they expect, or where. *Sequel to The Sky that Nobody Sees*Only started getting serious ideas for this sequel last night, so updates will be slow, but they will come, I promise! I just wanted to give you all what I have, even if it's only a taste. *Rated Mature for unwholesome language. Nothing graphic or sexual, I promise.…

As They Go (sequel to Prince's Pretend Mother/A Better Place)

As They Go (sequel to Prince's Pretend Mother/A Better Place)

740 22 10

After winning the war, Legolas is drifting. Gimli's friendship is strained by secrets Legolas can't tell him, Tauriel runs away in fear of following in his mother's footsteps, and his own people are not at ease around him. More than he ever has before, Legolas wishes he could have been born anyone but a prince, but no one chooses their place in life, and his comes with relentless responsibilities. How can he lead people among whom he does not feel at home? *Not a Tauriel romance.**This story contains spoilers to But One Star of All.***Readers of ABP and PPM will notice that there is conflicting information about Mabyn between these three stories. I'm working on it. If you respond to my most recent author's note on ABP, you can help me with it, too.…



11,508 183 25

Sethlyn is already dying. She isn't supposed to walk anymore. She and her aunt moved here to be closer to the hospital where Seth gets her chemo, and Seth treats everyone like they've been her friend for years, including her quiet Biology partner, who happens to turn up more than once just when she needs someone, anyone; and without her permission he slowly becomes her everything. Sethlyn doesn't want to fall in love. She doesn't want to leave any more broken hearts behind her than she has to if she dies. But what if she never had to? Could Seth possibly choose between dying herself, or watching all of her loved ones die instead? Could anything possibly be worth it? *Rated Mature for use of cuss words. Nothing gory, nothing sexual, and nothing extreme in the cussing.**I haven't been interested in the Twilight series in years, but this story occurred to me, and I thought I'd see where it went. It won't follow anything word-for-word, with this story there would be little point. Seth replaces Bella, Edward is less of a worrier, and less prominent characters may have been tweaked but they for the most part remain the same.…

Red White and Black

Red White and Black

48 5 4

Mercedes meant to enlist as a nurse, but caught Dr. Erskine's attention first. For a chance into the army, she'll take it. But how will the country feel about a black woman as their favorite soldier? Do they have to know at all?…

Fantastic Feats and Who May Hide Them - Fantastic Beasts fanfiction

Fantastic Feats and Who May Hide Them - Fantastic Beasts fanfiction

2,309 69 9

As a black woman in New York, Celia feels as though she's constantly fighting white men who never see her. But then she comes across one who does. One who not only sees her, but who cares about her opinion--and is a person who doesn't watch her as though she's about to fall apart, which begins to convince her that she might fall together again after all. Besides: who else but the awkward Englishman would make sure the chicken she had in her suitcase was looked after when she accidentally switched them? *In this version, Celia replaces Jacob (Yes, I love him too.) *Also not a romance. At least not intentionally. *Coming sequel kind of is though. Couldn't help myself apparently.…

The Violet Sheds

The Violet Sheds

255 17 4

Li Mei is more than a year younger than the youngest student currently attending Hogwarts, but the Headmaster believed she ought to attend anyway. What are only small spurts of unintentional magic for other witches and wizards are catastrophes for her, and the most recent catastrophe cost her parents their lives. Although normally bright and inquisitive, Li Mei has no current interest in learning magic, nor is she in any way skilled in using it. But when she does, the results tend to be astonishing.*Title from Mark Twain: Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.…

Sister, Don't Let Go of Us (Supernatural AU)

Sister, Don't Let Go of Us (Supernatural AU)

224 5 15

Tessa was yanked out of a happy life with her daughter, and wakes in a hospital with her brothers telling her she's been in a djinn-induced coma for six months. But this world of monsters is not her world--it's the djinn trying to frighten her to death by showing her the life she's afraid is hers, after she lived for so long in the life she always wanted. She's not invested in this world, these people who aren't really her brothers. But all she wants is to find the way back to her life, the life she refuses to believe is really the dream. *This more or less follows the events of S5 Ep14, 20, 21, and 22. I am also planning on covering S6 Ep1 and 2, with a few of my own ideas mixed in. *Some timeline events between seasons three and six have been tweaked for the sake of there not being too many things going on at once, or just to add a struggle here and there because drama. *Most of you probably know SPN better than I do. If I mess something up or you think, especially, I've not followed character, shout out! I want to improve. **About the Mature rating--there are references to blood and gore, but I try to keep it vague enough for gentler stomachs. I added the rating just to cover my bases.…

But One Star of All

But One Star of All

9,601 354 15

Nelide is a highborn elf who has committed herself to being of the most use possible, and soon people begin to tell her she ought to challenge the prince Thranduil to spar to see which of them is the better fighter, as she is the best fighter in the Woodland Realm. Knowing of the prince's pride she refuses, but due to the prince's pride he insists. Their relationship is something of a battle, but neither would have it any other way. This is the story of their friendship, their life, their love, their hurts, their son, and the death that tore their galaxy apart.…

The Sky that Nobody Sees

The Sky that Nobody Sees

3,086 131 22

What if Thranduil's family, and Elrond's, lived in a Moscow high-rise? What if each no longer commanded an army, but still fought the fight not everyone even knows exists? Moscow's police force is overworked and understaffed; the city's civilian population is exploding; crime-rates are expanding; and political neglect deepening. But with their cheerily relentless housekeeper to keep them all sane, with a little luck maybe they can keep their city safe.*For those of you who know Inladris from The Prince's Pretend Mother, you will understand why I couldn't bring her family to Russia without bringing her.…

In Hijab and a Bulletproof Vest

In Hijab and a Bulletproof Vest

116 2 14

Tia has a lot counting against her: narcolepsy, shaky hands, diminutive stature. But she has a fast mind and an eye for peculiarities and patterns, and at a young age grew accustomed to balancing intelligence and compassion, American and Iranian culture, and modern and traditional ideals. As an FBI agent in her first year, Tia has a lot she feels she has to compensate for, but she finds--as do her teammates--that she has more to offer than the casual observer expects. Unfortunately, someone thinks she has too much, and wishes to take it all away from her. And this time Tia won't have her team to rely on. *Some content may be unpalatable to some readers, but I've kept the rating as-is because I've been as vague as possible with description of blood and injury. Please let me know if you think I've labeled it incorrectly. *I have researched my cultures for this story, not being familiar with either Iran or Islam, and am hoping any readers will give me their thoughts on authenticity.…

Drowning Girl

Drowning Girl

327 29 8

Tart-tongued Miora is cursed to drip water wherever she goes, and she is constantly soaked. Her parents are either no longer capable of keeping her or no longer care enough to try, so when no one else in the town will dare to take her as an apprentice, they approach the only merchant they haven't yet tried--the elven blacksmith Sanhariel, who, at prodding from his sister, agrees to take Miora on for a trial period to see if they can get along. Between the differences in culture, Sanhariel's taciturn nature and Miora's blunt expressions, Miora consistently wonders if she'll be permitted to stay, and the disapproving townsfolk doubt whether they should let her.…

Fantastic Hearts and When to Trust Them (2)

Fantastic Hearts and When to Trust Them (2)

1,043 36 13

When Celia won a baking contest that sent her to London for the prize, she didn't expect to run into three people who know her by name and are overjoyed to see her. Then they told her they knew her, and were part of a secret society, and that once upon a time she had known them. Not being accustomed to having more than one friend, Celia isn't sure what to think of these three peculiar white people. She's especially unsure of what to think of the untidy-haired white man, other than that when he smiles, all she wants to do is smile back.... Sequel to Fantastic Feats and Who May Hide Them…

Fantastic Days and How to Keep Them (3)

Fantastic Days and How to Keep Them (3)

764 21 15

Being interrogated by the Ministry was only one incident of many that would give Celia cause to wonder if she truly wanted to put Newt through a relationship with her, when she's divided from him in so many ways. She never doubts her own love for Newt, or that he loves her, but she wonders if their love is worth the looks they sometimes receive in public, and the hoops they sometimes jump through to spare each other further disdain. But even with these uncertainties, life carries on, with midnight summons to gather farradins, bringing orphaned creatures to the grocery store in baby carriers, and trips to countries Celia had never before heard the name of. Besides, they have bigger things to worry about: the trench virus is under further investigation since more Muggles have been infected, and Celia is expecting a child of their own. *light romance*action comparable to previous stories(Sequel to Fantastic Hearts and When to Trust Them)…

When Stubbornness Ruins

When Stubbornness Ruins

31 1 2

Written for the To The Bone contest. Prompt: In five hundred words or fewer, tell us how you conquered your internal monologue and overcame negativity.…

Flicker (Shine 2)

Flicker (Shine 2)

630 13 7

Sethlyn survived James, and she's survived cancer, and for the first time in a year she's walking again. The most immediate threat to her life seems to have gone, but that doesn't mean humans aren't still at risk from their own lives, their own pasts, and their own choices. Because there's something wrong with Jake, something wrong in Seattle, and somebody in Italy may have something to say about the fact that Seth is human and alive. *This story contains elements of New Moon and Eclipse, minus Edward's departure.…

Binary Stars - A Doctor Who Tale

Binary Stars - A Doctor Who Tale

111 1 4

Cenna has her own battles to wage when an alien unhappy with her research on pulsating stars turns up, with a rather peculiar man arriving moments after him. She has to leave home for her own safety until the aliens leave, but leave with another alien for company? Most would have a hard time adjusting. But Cenna's full name is Alpha Centauri, named for a binary star system, and she's determined to sprint through as much life as possible, because leaving home to save her life can't save her from what's already killing her.…

The Reign of Poppies

The Reign of Poppies

177 7 15

When Sebastienne's drawings begin drawing attention from both the public and the actors she sends them to her first fear is that someone will figure out why she works so hard to never have free time and why the ones who know her are always asking if she's okay. First all she received was a letter thanking her for the first drawing she sent. The second drawing evoked consistent correspondence with the man she sent it to. She doesn't expect to develop a friendship with someone she's never met, and then hardly ever sees, but as comfortable as she seems he begins to wonder why she always seems to be alone, and why he gets the sense that even when she's standing still she's running away.…