Runaway World

Runaway World

260 74 48

During the final decades of the twenty first century, a rogue brown dwarf star passed through the solar system and its gravity threw the Earth out of orbit around the sun. Two hundred years later, when the atmosphere has finished freezing onto the surface, explorers from the last refuge of humanity venture out to see what's become of their world. Things looks bleak. Mankind faces a future of huddling in whatever warm refuges it can make for itself until the Earth's core goes cold, but then a discovery is made. An opportunity exists for mankind to leave the planet and find its destiny among the stars, but to do so requires an all or nothing gamble and losing would mean the end of the human race. Some want to take the gamble. Others don't, and so conflict and violence breaks out as the survey teams explore a planet transformed out of all recognition...…

The Sceptre of Samnos

The Sceptre of Samnos

1,527 380 80

At the end of the Third Shadowwar, the forces of evil were defeated so thoroughly, so completely, that no-one thought they would ever threaten civilisation again, but they were wrong. Totally, disastrously wrong...The Sceptre of Samnos. Volume one of The Legend of the Blue Wizard.…



14 4 3

This is my entry for the JustWriteIt October 2018 #justspookus contest.…

The Worlds of the Sheaf

The Worlds of the Sheaf

908 239 80

The Rossem Project is close to success, and will allow a hand picked expedition to explore other worlds, searching for the threat that faces the planet Tharia, but as they begin their mission they discover that there are many other threats out there, and that the one they originally feared may be the very least of them...…

The Quest for Landoll

The Quest for Landoll

31 12 19

This is a collection of short stories, some sci-fi. Some fantasy. You can read them in any order whenever you have a few minutes to spare and don't feel like beginning a long new novel. I hope you like them.…

A Dame of Thrones

A Dame of Thrones

8 1 4

This is my entry for the justwriteit September 2019 challenge. Rise to Power.…

The Abyss of Time

The Abyss of Time

408 80 63

Twenty years after the end of the Cyborg War, the last cyborgs try to hijack a starship on its way to terraform an alien world. They want the new colony to be a cyborg colony in which they will rebuild their strength and practice their way of life. During the fighting, though, the starship is damaged, so that instead of travelling light years across space it ends up a billion years in the future, alongside a planet Earth that is near the end of its life.The cyborgs, momentarily defeated, leave the ship in a captured landing craft and go down to the planet, but before they go they sabotage the ship so that it is no longer able to support life. The crew have no choice but to follow them down to the planet where they have to fight not just the cyborgs but also forms of life a billion years more evolved than humans. Creatures that have grown tough and hardy in an attempt to cope with the increasingly harsh conditions that prevail there.As if things weren't bad enough, there is conflict among the ship's crew as they fight to decide which of them will be in charge and how they will meet the challenges facing them, and even if they survive all this they will still have to deal with the discovery of the ultimate fate that awaits all intelligent life in the universe...…

The Green Witch

The Green Witch

57 4 28

The Green Witches were once admired and respected members of the community. They were a bridge between the human world and the world of nature until King Roderick tried to enlist them in his war with the neighbouring kingdom of Berkanol. When they refused the King, fearing they would use their powers against him, declared them to be enemies of the Kingdom and ordered them arrested and killed. Today, the few that remain survive by hiding, forever fearing discovery.Sixteen year old Tala Viddyr is one of those survivors. She lives alone in a cottage in the forest after her father walked out and her mother died of the fever. A young woman living alone will be sure to attract the attention of the witchhunters, though. To hide she has to appear normal, which means she has to marry someone and play the role of wife and mother. She chooses Seventeen year old Dougal Tanner, a boy she likes and who has tried to court her a number of times but for whom she has no real feelings. She hopes that love will come later, but beginning a relationship with him means she has to make a difficult choice. Should she try to hide the truth from him her entire life, or tell him what she is and take the risk that he will betray her to the witchhunters?…

The Radiant War

The Radiant War

1,119 218 72

Volume Three of the Ontogeny series. The human world is aflame with war. Nations clash with their neighbours, while the Kelvon Empire, bulwark of the human world, stands on the brink of civil war. The plans of the enemies of mankind to destroy human civilisation, to restore their own mastery of the world, are well on the way to success.The people of Helberion have vowed to defeat those plans, though. Peace must be restored between the various peoples of mankind so that they can combine their efforts against their true enemy. Even while her country strives to avoid conquest and defeat at the hands of their traditional enemies the Carrowmen, therefore, Princess Ardria journeys to Carrow to meet with the enemy King in an almost hopeless attempt to persuade him of the truth. All her hopes rest on the assumption that he in an unwitting dupe of the true enemy, but lurking at the back of her mind is the fear that he may be all too aware of the truth, that he may have sold out humanity for the promise of personal power. If this is true, then all that awaits her at the end of her journey through fear and danger is imprisonment and the life of a hostage to be used against her father, King Leothan.The Brigadier would help her if he could, but he and Malone, his former batman, are far away, each having their own missions to try and ensure the survival of human civilisation. Having completed his latest task, the Brigadier must race to join her, to assist and protect her, but will he reach her before she arrives at the palace of the enemy King? And will the Princess still have a country to be Princess of by the time she arrives there? Because even if Helberion manages to defeat the all conquering armies of Carrow there is another, even deadlier threat waiting in the wings against which there may be no defence...…

Angry Moon

Angry Moon

3,434 769 92

Imagine that some great cosmic force pushed the moon into a different orbit. An orbit that brought it to within one third of its normal distance from the Earth every twenty nine days. What would be the result? What would it do to our planet, to our civilisation? Could humanity survive?Eddie Nash and Samantha Kumiko don't have to imagine. They're living in that world, and as the moon sweeps in for its first close approach they desperately try to prepare for a world transformed by violence and destruction. Both are scientists. Both know better than most what's coming, and both will do whatever is necessary to protect themselves and those they love as the world falls apart around them...…



1,298 223 76

Thomas Gown has become an important part of the Rossem Project and his contribution may be vital to its eventual success. However, he has also become a pawn in a desperate struggle between ancient powers who care nothing for the civilisation Thomas has sworn to protect. He gradually learns that his importance to them has roots reaching back to a peasant boy whose parents scratched out a living on the very edges of civilisation three thousand years ago...…

Contest entries

Contest entries

308 38 13

This is where I put contest entries.…

The Thing in the Basement

The Thing in the Basement

23 1 3

This is my entry for the JustWriteIt August 2019 challenge. Basement discovery. 9855 words.…

The Fallen World

The Fallen World

757 172 57

Lost and alone, disheartened by failure and wanting only to go home, Thomas Gown and his companions face the darkest hour of their lives when they stumble across a remnant of the once mighty Agglemonian Empire. There they make a stunning discovery that could mean the salvation of the world if only they can get word to the desperate, embattled armies of civilization, but instead they face a lifetime of crippling servitude, hopeless prisoners of the insane tyrant, Lord Basil Konnen...…

The Rings of Salammis

The Rings of Salammis

1,159 159 53

The immortal wizards were the most powerful humans ever to walk the planet Tharia, but the wars between them devastated the planet and the whole world breathed a sigh of relief when the last of them was killed. In an attempt to cheat death, though, one of the most powerful of them created a pair of atifacts of awesome power, and if he succeeds there will be no-one in the world able to stand against him...…

The Electric Messiah

The Electric Messiah

946 208 50

Volume Two of the Ontogeny series. A time of unprecedented crisis has come. During a mission to the edge of the known world, Brigadier Weyland James discovered that humanity faces a threat so terrible that the sane mind can barely conceive it. Failure to meet this threat would mean the end of human civilisation, mankind thrown back to a life of wandering savagery, easy prey for the true masters of the planet who see humans as mere animals, theirs to use and exploit as they see fit.Hope exists, if all mankind can unite, putting aside their petty differences for the greater good, but the truth is so unbelievable that the Brigadier faces an almost impossible task in convincing the leaders of the human world. His task is made even harder by the fact that several governments have been infiltrated by agents of the enemy, who are using their influence to sow seeds of war and chaos.The Brigadier is not mankind's only hope, though. In Helberion, a small group of scientists, struggling to make a major scientific breakthrough, is being hampered by assassination and sabotage. Is this the work of the enemy of mankind? King Leothan hopes it is, because it would mean that the enemy fears this new science, that it could be used to create a powerful weapon against them. A weapon that could be the Saviour of Mankind. The Electric Messiah...This is the sequel to Ontogeny. If you haven't read that book yet (Why not?) You must read it before you read this book.…

Sebastian Gloom

Sebastian Gloom

35 13 38

An occult investigator in Edwardian England uncovers a vast conspiracy against the Catholic church.This is a fantasy based in a completely imaginary world. I hope you like it.…



916 166 41

The kingdoms of Carrow and Helberion are rejoicing. After a century of strife and conflict that has brought both countries to the brink of ruin, a diplomatic solution has finally been found. An opportunity for genuine peace that will allow the scars of war to heal at last. However, there are those who would profit from continued chaos and destruction in the region, and just as the celebrations are at their very height they strike a blow that threatens to ignite a new war between the two countries.In desperation, King Leothan of Helberion turns to his great friend, the Brigadier, who has saved him and his Kingdom many times in the past. The only hope is to find a legendary wise man, a man who may not even exist, and who is rumoured to live at the very edge of the known world, a land of wonder and mystery. Only he may have the solution to the crisis. Only he can save the world from a nightmare beyond anything it has ever known before. As Helberion is riven by rivalries and intrigues, therefore, the Brigadier and his men set out on their long mission during which they make astonishing and unexpected discoveries about their world. They discover a terrible threat that has been lurking for centuries, a menace that threatens not only Helberion but the entire human world, and the Brigadier learns that everything he thought he knew about his world and the history of his people is wrong...This is the first volume of three. Be sure not to miss volume two, The Electric Messiah, and volume three, The Radiant War, also here on Wattpad.…

The CRES code

The CRES code

2,214 250 75

In the future, the Earth is a polluted, overpopulated wasteland. Four people with incurable diseases are put in suspended animation in the hope that future advances in medical science will find cures for their conditions. When they're taken out of hibernation, though, they find themselves in a world in which machines rule and humans, not trusted with technology, are forcibly kept to a medieval lifestyle...…

The Flight of the Hummingbird

The Flight of the Hummingbird

817 210 70

Lexandria University becomes the hub of a gigantic research project in an attempt to find a way to counter the new threat facing the planet Tharia, but spies and saboteurs are everywhere and one of their key men, responsible for one of the most important elements of the Rossem Project, dies with his work uncompleted. Without his contribution the project will fail, but to complete his work an expedition must go all the way to the dreaded Southern Continent, from which few people have ever returned...…