Harry Styles: So Much More

Harry Styles: So Much More

6 0 1

Brooklyn Candice has been working her rear end off for the past three years, trying to support herself, her alcoholic mother and her fiver-year-old twin brothers, and still tries to make time for her boyfriend, Ryan. It's been a real struggle, and every day she uses one simple phrase to get herself through it all - we'll get through this. However, one day, all that comes crashing down when her mother passes due to over-consumption, she finds out that Bryan has been cheating on her, and the bankowner shows up with an eviction notice. Desparate and worried, Brooklyn takes her brothers and moves in with her best friend. She begins searching for a job immediately, and soon finds an advirtisment for a sylist. Not even paying attention, she applies for the job online and gets the job the next day. That's when she realizes who she will be working for.One Direction.Deciding the leave her brothers in the care of her best friend, she takes off with One Direction as they begin one of their many tours. During this time, a certain Harry Styles catches her eye. Will this opportunity result in a whirlwind celebrity romance, or will the two only crash and burn as Brooklyn's past begins to interfere? Read to find out!…

Bucky Barnes: Lost and Found

Bucky Barnes: Lost and Found

84 0 10

Willow lost her memory nearly seven years ago. She knows this because her adopted father, Tony Stark, told her as soon as she left the hospital to live with him and the Avengers. However, he refused to tell her how, saying that it was for her own protection. Willow, not at all satisfied with this answer, doens't press the issue, even after all these years, knowing that there's now arguing with Tony Stark.However, things take a sudden turn when a mysterious stranger, Bucky Barnes, comes to live with them. As soon as she lays eyes on him, Willow knows that he's the reason that her father won't tell her how she lost her memory - at least one of the reasons. Bucky seems to know this, and goes well out of his way to avoid her. At first, anyway. What happens when they two, slowly yet surely, begin to fall in love? When a sudden and hidden danger somehow makes it's way to New York? When Willow begins to remember? Read to find out!…

Instagram Love - S.M

Instagram Love - S.M

206 2 15

Dawn Coleson - New York super-model and pop starShawn Mendes - Canadian pop singer @shawnmendes liked your post@shawnmendes commented on your post@shawnmendes followed you…

Finnick Odair {1}: Whatever It Takes

Finnick Odair {1}: Whatever It Takes

99 8 7

Pearl Belle has been bestfriends with Finnick Odair ever since they were three years old. Now, at sixteen years old, she's been dating him for two years. The two are the happiest they could have ever been, considering what they've been through - Finnick and his Games, Pearl and the death of her parents three years ago, leaving her and her twin brother to care for her three younger siblings, Justice, Aimee and Chelsea. Pearl is happy with her life, her boyfriend, her family. She is happy with her job, singing and dancing for the Entertainment of District Four. She wants to stay like this forever.Unfortunately, that won't be happening. Only one year after Finnick's Games, Pearl is reaped. Not only that, she will be going against her twin brother. All hopes of a good and happy life immediatley vanish as she is forced into an arena to kill. But she has one goal in mind. She will do whatever it takes to show the Capitol that she isn't a game piece for them. Whatever it takes to make them pay for what they did to her and her family.For what they did to Finnick.…

Newt: Thanatophobia [Personalized FanFic]

Newt: Thanatophobia [Personalized FanFic]

114 4 5

Thanatophobia: The fear of losing someone you love"W-who are you?""My name's Newt, and this here is Minho. You'll be alright, just calm down." The boys started to come down, and I scrambled back as far as I could. "No! J-just one. Just Newt." My entire body was shaking, as was my voice. "I only want one." The boys hesitated, all looking at Newt, who was looking at me. "Just me, boys," Newt said. Slowly, he came down, climbing down boxes and crates. He knelt in front of me with a small smile. "Hey there, greenie. Welcome to the Glade."…

Newt: How It All Started

Newt: How It All Started

156 0 12

I can't remember anything. I don't know why. I just... can't. The only thing I know right now is that I'm scared, and that I'm one girl with seven boys. The boys don't remember anything either. All we know is that we have to survive. Survive the Maze, survive the Grievers. Just... survive.…

Spot Conlon: To the Top [1]

Spot Conlon: To the Top [1]

3,753 37 10

Spot Conlon is an eleven year old boy who lives in Brooklyn, New York. He works as a Brooklyn Newsies, selling papes for a penny each every day. Being a newsie is tough: there's never enough. Enough food, enough money, enough anything. One day, he arrives at the newspaper station to find it has been burned to the ground and the suspect is one of his newsie buddies, one of his only friends. He comes up with a plan for the other Brooklyn newsies to still sell papers and make money, put he is busy trying to prove his friend innocent... and then he meets a girl who spit-shakes and has mad fighting skills. And she's better than he is with a sling shot. Will he be able to control his feelings for this girl while at the same time prove his friend innocent? Of course he will! He's Spot Conlon!Just so you know, this is just the first of a trilogy. I'll name them here.Spot Conlon: To the TopSpot Conlon: A New AdventureSpot Conlon: Cross the Finish Line.Hope you enjoy these!…

Spot Conlon: A New Adventure [2]

Spot Conlon: A New Adventure [2]

12,822 142 18

Jazzer Higgins is Racetrack's long lost twin sister who has just made her way to Manhattan after escaping the girls version of the Refuge. She is glad to find her brother, and make new friends as a newsie. When the newsies start a strike, they need the help of all the newsies in New York. When nobody wants to go to Brooklyn, Jazzer offers, but Racetrack tries to keep her from going. She persuades him to let her go, and she meets Spot Conlon for the first time. At first she doesn't like him. in fact, she hates him, but he seems attracted to her. She begins to fall for him, but will they hae these feelings forever? Fate is the deciding factor.…

Spot Conlon: Cross the Finish Line [3]

Spot Conlon: Cross the Finish Line [3]

831 8 7

Spot Conlon and Jazzer Higgins are nineteen years old. Spot plans to propose to Jazzer, but when he asks Race for permission to ask her, Race gets angry and says no, then stalks off. When he doesn't come back later that night or the next day, the newsies set off the find him. Boots finds him in prison. Jazzer's feelings are all over the place: She feels like Spot is avoiding her, Race doesn't approve of her and Spot's relationship, and new Race is in jail. Spot tries everything in his power to get Races consent, get Race out of jail, and plan the perfect romantic setting to propose. Will things end up happily ever after like they all hoped?…

Adam Banks: Courtney's Beginning [1]

Adam Banks: Courtney's Beginning [1]

4,026 27 12

Courtney is the English princess, something any girl in the world wants to be - except her. All she wants is a hockey team that she can call family. The thing is, she can't play hockey, though she is the most famous figure skater in England. Her parents, the King and Queen, think that this is enough, but not for her. When it nears her tenth birthday, some Russian friends come over to celebrate, as do hundreds of other people that Courtney could care less about. The night of her ball, she is nearly killed, and while she is getting of the trauma of her almost-murder being her best friend, the stableman, Davis, she finds something out that can change her life forever.…

Adam Banks: Purple Among White [2]

Adam Banks: Purple Among White [2]

14,268 94 16

Courtney Riley's dream comes true when she becomes a new member of the Duck's team to compete in the Junior Goodwill Games. She impresses Adam Banks right away with her figure skating talent and even more with her hockey talent, and she finds herself drawn to him, as well. When she is taken back to England by the King and Queen, she is devestated. Will she ever play hockey again? Will she ever see Adam Banks again?…