Legacy Diaries

Legacy Diaries

230 9 23

A month and a half; that's how long - how short - it takes Rafael Waithe to sleep with another girl after killing the love of his life Cassie.The 'Legacy Diaries' begin with Rafael's first diary entry as he catches his breath next to 'another girl' - commonly known as Elizabeth "Lizzie" Saltzman, the guilt and self-loathing that he has felt since that fateful evening coming back with a vengeance.…

Torgo Nudho

Torgo Nudho

123 1 1

Testing out a Torgo Nudho fanfic with Drogon reacting differently to Jon Snow murdering Daenerys Targaryen.…

The Universes of Unfinished Tales

The Universes of Unfinished Tales

375 8 6

Multiple tales I didn't finish.…

The Infinites

The Infinites

123 10 1

Teen Wolf (S-6A E-10) crosses over with Guardians of the Galaxy (Post Avengers: Endgame) after Thanos reduces the Infinity Stones to atoms and Scott McCall diverts the Wild Hunt from its original path and Beacon Hills, and Scott, along with Malia, Peter and Theo, is banished from Teen Wolf Universe for interfering with the Wild Hunt's path.…

New Werewolf Order: Prequel

New Werewolf Order: Prequel

303 9 3

In the wake of Scott McCall's ascension to True Alphahood and mercy on Deucalion, an old werewolf's past catches up with him and newly mated young werewolf mates navigate their arranged mating.Read the prequel to the potential 'New Werewolf Order' story and vote, comment and constructively criticise it to voice your interest in a sequel.…

Scott and Allison

Scott and Allison

732 5 12

You have read, and maybe watched, 'Romeo and Juliet', a tragedy written by William Shakespeare adapted numerous times over the years.Now, here is 'Scott and Allison', a tragedy written by IAmKIM without an adaptation.…

End of Games

End of Games

10,227 366 19

True Alpha Scott McCall decided to die. Khaleesi Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen decided to walk into the funeral pyre of her last husband Khal Drogo, son of Bharbo, as it burned.They chose the actions, the consequences will be chosen for them, and with Scott dying on a telluric current intersection and dragons returning to the Known World, magic will be at work, and it has a mind of its own, but what they do with the consequences is up to them.This is the story of an ending in their lives, and a new beginning.…

The Recovery

The Recovery

36,599 1,140 20

Betrayed, broken and alone, Scott McCall and Lydia Martin enroll at Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted with hopes of recovering away from home after Teen Wolf S5 E10 and pre-Legacies S1.…



217 7 3

War is a three-letter word but it is a lot more than that. It is tolerating things you never thought you would tolerate, witnessing innocents suffer, and die, and doing things you never thought you would do.Ask me how I know and I will tell you. We will tell you.…

Teen Wolf No More

Teen Wolf No More

2,064 63 15

Allison Argent returns to Beacon Hills after twelve years since leaving (in Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale) to find that nothing is the same.…



4,881 213 19

Teen Wolf Post S3B AU / Arrow S4 E1 AU / Arrow: The Dark Archer Post C-012 AUScott McCall mysteriously finds himself in a world he once believed fictional after Allison Argent is killed and her death is avenged.Shadow takes place four years after his arrival and follows him as he becomes Shadow, Leader of the Guild of Shadows, the organization that has trained him to take over it's leadership for the past four years.(On Hiatus)…

Scott McCall, the Mikaelson

Scott McCall, the Mikaelson

133,677 3,759 65

The Teen Wolf universe (S5 E20 AU) crosses over with The Vampire Diaries universe (S2 E22 AU) when True Alpha Scott McCall kills Sebastien Valet, unknowingly evoking an ancient rite of passage.…