About My OCs
This will give you insight about every OC I have. Plus, a bit of the AU they're in.Bit of warning, I tend to give most of them serious trauma. and there might be spoilers…
This will give you insight about every OC I have. Plus, a bit of the AU they're in.Bit of warning, I tend to give most of them serious trauma. and there might be spoilers…
This is a book to keep track of y'all's questions and's a Q&A. So, ask me anything that's on your mind or something in my stories! :)Begin the questioning!…
A group of girls live in a life of adventure and wilderness. Their base is partly in a mountain and on a cliff edge with an ocean underneath, another part of it is underwater, the other part is in the fields that had been cleared of trees for farming and aviculture. Each girl has their own role at their base, and adventures. Hiva, the leader of this family of wilders. Melissa is the main miner and is always carrying her nearly 50-pound backpack anywhere outside the base. Dina is the main hunter, or huntress. Rosa is their medic/vet, and she sometimes leaves the base to go to the mines, the Nether, or the End. Ray is their main farmer, growing serval corps and farming many animals. Athena is their blacksmith, and she will trade a good deal of ender pearls for her to make something .... or diamonds (depending on what you ask). Hecate is the potion maker and enchanter, and don't get stuff onto her books, she hates that. Sekhmet is the main monster hunter, always up for a fight. Kit is the animal expert and collector. Most of their animals have been found by her. Camile is the chief, and no one can compete against her cooking. Then there's Kaite, who's the journalist of the group. Researching anything she can and studying anything she sees. These girls have spent their lives to gather since they were littles. Having a bond as strong as an 80 pounds of solid obsidian packed together. Exploring new biomes, caves, villages, etc. Finding tressures and rare items, along with collecting other things. New creatures to find and documenting them. The way their life is, it's paradise to them and they wouldn't change a thing about it. However .... a monster thought to be long gone, comes back from the dead, and threatens all of life as they know it.…
MK and his siblings have always been treated like objects. But when a group of humans find them and begins to treat them differently, things start to change. In MK's whole life, he's been treated like a thing. Not a living person. Well .... monkey with a conscious. He becomes friends with one of the employees. A girl about his age named Mei, who happens to have gone through a similar thing he did. How will MK and his siblings adjust to their new lives? How was Mei mistreated? And what if, they're tied to each other?…
Levy is an animus like her father Turtle. Her mother is Moon. She goes to Jade Moutain Academy to learn about the other tribes and make friends over the continent.NOTE: Silkwings, Hivewings, and Leafwings will not be in this. Maybe.…
Bumblebee has always been on his own as far as he can remember. Never having someone to help him. But then .... a small group of pups cross his path, changing his life forever.Cover will be added later!…
SpiderBee and his dad, Bumblebee, are safe from his mother. But the things he went through are haunting them. Bumblebee did tell everyone what Airachnid had done to his son and him. They could only imagine how they felt.Optimus at some point, tells SpiderBee something.Warning! There's a chance this could contain self-harming!Side note! Cover made be changed.…
In Clove Beast's world, everyone has at least one creature of magic. Whether it's a kitsune, or griffin, or a simple an owl, everyone has least one. Up to three is common, four to five is rare, but anywhere beyond that is considered to be extremely rare! Clove for some reason, has more than five, and not just that, her creatures are dragons. THE MOST POWERFUL CREATURES! Clove honestly expected to have a hellhound like her dad and brothers. Or a kitsune like her mom and sisters. But when 14 dragons come to her as her forever creatures, it was shocking to everyone. Especially when it was revealed that the dragons are the strongest kinds. Thankfully the dragons can change their size. Clove is going to school, and boy is she not prepared. Clove and her dragons will have to face many challenges. Including a professor named, Professor Fang. And he also has two dragons of his own. _____________________________________________________Cover will be added later!…
Aaron and Jake Fireborn, and Emily, Vivian, Lunis, Keo Sharpstone, and Jackson Windspeed, are stranded on an alien planet. An OCEAN planet with NO above water land. They also have no connection to Earth, or any other planet containing humans. They know they need to hurry and establish a base. With a lot of work, they're going to do just that. They also have a monkey named, Marine, four cats, Luke, Marsh, Halo, and Dusk. and a dog named Shadow. All which have collars that allow them to talk. And seven robot assistances, Medic, Chief, Farmer, Miner, Huntress, Protector, and Builder Keo, being the youngest and the only one who's UNDER the age requirement, can't help but think that he's a burden. But he's the smartest they have and see things in a different perspective. So, he'll try to NOT be a burden and do what is needed to be done. Keo, unexpectedly, becomes most vital part of the team. So important, that they don't let him go far from base. Keo, wants to prove himself, but how?…
Cybertron is soaked in war, death, and energon shard. Bumblebee and the family he made, managed to escape it. They now live on Earth, far, far, far away from their former planet.…
Two new primes have been forged.…
Black. Everything .... was black. The last thing they can remember was Optimus destroying the Omega Lock, an explosion, bright light, and the feeling as if they had been swept away by a wave of a tsunami! Nothing else. Everything was black. When they opened their eyes, however, their world had changed completely. Transformed.Sidenotes: This was inspired by a story I read.…
Bumblebee is now Hivebolt. He's a decepticon now. He now knows who his real parents are. He finally remembers his past. But his thoughts are switching from left to right. Optimus raised him and treated him like his own son. Hivebolt isn't sure if he'll help kill them. Or tell them where the Autobot base is. Megatron can sense the questioning rampaging in his son's mind. He doesn't force or demanded Hivebolt to tell where the base is, or to help kill Optimus. Meanwhile Optimus, and his autobots are shaken when they discover Bumblebee's inherence. Optimus doesn't want to lose him, but the fact that Bumblebee nearly showed no restraint, makes him worried. Hivebolt knows he must choose and soon. Either go back and fight with the Autobots .... or stay and be with his family. But along the way Raf gets hurt .... bad.…
When Charlie is walking through the forest, she finds a crashed spaceship. And in it, changes her life .... forever.Sidenotes: name maybe changed. THIS IS NOT TRANSFORMERS! I know a lot of my stories are transformers base, but this one isn't!…
Coyote is the prince of the Sandwings .... and an animus. The only ones who know are his mother, Queen Scorpion, his only trustworthy sister, Sandstorm, and a Rainwing, who's also an animus, Sunbird.Coyote doesn't think of any of his sisters challenging their mother, however, when she is killed by scavengers, all of his five sisters began to rage war on each other .... all but Sandstorm. He and Sunbird took Sandstorm to Jade Moutain to hide. But Sandstorm doesn't like the idea of hiding. After awhile, they joined the war.With the Rainwings as their allies.Sunbird is Coyote's best friend, and an animus. He can be next right to you, and you won't even know it. He left the safety of his rainforest and went to explore Pyrrhia.…
As Glory and her friends march through the home of the Rainwings, Glory can't help but wonder what her family and tribe are like. To her surprise, nothing like everyone says. Rainwings have animus touched items they discovered, or past things Rainwing Animus dragons made. A library with bounds of history, legends, stories, and facts in it. Glory is overjoyed by knowing her tribe being lazy and dumb was only a well-played trick. But not so overjoyed when she learns about the war, they are having with the Nightwings. Glory is determined to know more, but during it, she stumbles upon a nightwing dragonet, who's one year younger than her and her friends .... and was born in the rainforest. Small note! I may change the name…
The frostenergon is fluttering down, the fire is crackling, hot energon coco in hand .... it was that time of year. The Primes, Decepticons, Autobots, Predacons, Minicons, etc. was busy. Holiday lights decorated the buildings and homes. Sparklings are playing in the forstenergon. Many celebrating the season in parties big and small, others just get togethers. Soon the day would come.This is my 1st holiday special…
A lone golden tiger gives birth to three cubs but dies in a few moments afterwards. Lucky, the birthplace is in a backyard. The cubs' cries wake up the yard's owners. Two of them bring in the cubs inside while the other decide what to do with the body. He buries it. The only children of the family see the cubs and the cubs all of a sudden imprint on them.Tile may be changed!…
Ten magical dragons, one day make ten tribes. Them as their gods and goddess. Time marches on. Over billions of centuries later, outsiders come ... and they kind of look like them, but what is their intentions, their goal, and .... can they be trusted.…
Carol is only taking the trash out, when she finds humanoid turtles who are kids. She takes them, their older siblings, and mother to her apartment after finding out they have don't really have a place to stay.Later, April comes back and spills something she had been keeping from her mom for years.Sidenotes: Cover will be added later! and tile may be changed, and if you have a cover idea that you want me to use, tell me, and I'll look at it.…