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Despite being named after a literary character who is big on love, Romeo Carson usually hides his romantic side, unlike the rest of his family. For months he's been secretly crushing on his friend, the beautiful and sweet Juul Lund, which so far, only one other person knows about.But now, at his cousin's prodding, he wants to confess.Except there's just one problem.No, it's not the concept of two feuding families- in fact, the Lunds and Carsons are pretty chummy with each other (although the feud would have been awesome).No, it's not the fact Juul's cousin is his ex- she dumped him for someone else, but it was on good terms (kind of).The problem is, while Juul might be his Juuliet, he might not be her Romeo.***(COMPLETED 11/09/18)(The picture I used for the cover doesn't belong to me- the credits go to the original creator.)Just remember, this story might have begun from a #writewithzo prompt, but the characters are mine (and are part of the same universe as my other stories.)Any feedback is appreciated!…