Wilbur soot X Reader one shots

Wilbur soot X Reader one shots

8,605 66 26

MY GRAMMAR SUCKS SO I'M SO SORRY IF IT'S BAD! ALSO IT'S RLLY CRINGE:) AND PLS DO NOT CORRECT ME AND BE RESPECTFUL, ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!! some stories your Wilbur's girlfriend(a lot) , best friend, sister etc! <3Enjoy and read! Leave reviews too!( This is old asf) Choose which chapter you wanna read!!!! It's all one shot so no chapter 2's :)…

" MY LMANBURG. " Wilbur x reader[ DISCONTINUED]

246 15 14

this is a straight story! This story is in Minecraft! There will be trigger warnings! Please don't hate on the story! It won't affect me and this story is already planned out.You can give me your opinions! But the story is already planned out and I'm going with it:) there may be glitches with this story which causes me to restart! Also the title is random it isn't in the story…

"ghost love" Wilbur Soot X reader.

61 4 6

It's 2015 and you read about an abandoned house and it intrigued you, for some reason you had the gut to go and explore by yourself, you did it and without expecting. You met your future boyfriend. Wilbur. When he first saw you, he wanted to protect you with his life even if he isn't alive. Because you could only see him. And that made you. Special..…