Heart of Gold

Heart of Gold

4,297 163 33

Sequel to 'The Heart Within'. If it's not one thing, then it's another for Katy. Not only has she discovered that she is a member of the Time Lord race, but the Doctor has gone and done a face-changing trick. But it wouldn't be an adventure with the Doctor if something like this didn't happen, now would it? Ten/OC pairing. Some Rose bashing. Canon, but with tweaking to include OC.…

The Heart Within

The Heart Within

8,246 197 26

Abandoned as an infant, Katy was adopted by the Tylers, with a small silver heart shaped locket as the only link to her past. While grateful for this second chance of life, Katy has always felt out of place. Her life changes unexpectedly when she meets the Doctor the same time he blows up her sister, Rose's job. Eventual Doctor/OC. Some Rose Bashing. Canon with OC additions.…

A Thousand Years

A Thousand Years

8,939 312 79

A free-spirited young woman who grew up during the age of Vikings, found love with her childhood sweetheart. After a tragic demise, she a thousand years later returns to her birthplace, and learns more than she bargains for in the seemingly idyllic town with a dark secret...…