Ex-Accuse You

Ex-Accuse You

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My name is Savannah Wilson and I am entering my last year of university after what has been the worst summer of my life. My best friend exiled me on the first night for confessing to him, my Mum went AWAL and my heart was smashed after a summer fling ended.Granted, not everything was horrible. I made up with 2 of my stepsisters , I worked my butt off at an ice cream store and fell in love for the first time with that blond-haired douche. Now I just need to put everything behind me and start this term drama free.© 2016 Googlega…

extras from me stories and old or cutouts:
Professor Neville Longbottom

Professor Neville Longbottom

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My name is Blair Bougar and I am in Slyherin house at Hogwarts along with my two friends Dandy and Amelia. I also have a crush on a certain Gryffindor Professor that just so happens to hate my guts.**Cleaning up a bit as a basic draft that I wrote in High school, will eventually be the base for an original at some point.. o____o**…