Delete & other poems

Delete & other poems

56 3 6

Poetry that comes from my heart.I hope you like them…

Vengeful Seaspirits

Vengeful Seaspirits

46 3 5

A new curse seems to befall on sailors. Mermaids snatch up and kill people while they're at sea. All of that was supposed to be a story made up by old sailors and crewmen to keep the young people out of the game. But when Minerva is supposed to die at the bottom of the sea, she instead wakes up and finds her body changed and still at the bottom of the sea.*Inspired on that one tumblr post…

Staring at the White Page

Staring at the White Page

2 0 1

A two paragraph thing about writer's block.…

Different forms

Different forms

10 0 4

When you die who will greet you? Where will you be?It depends on what you expect Death will be…

Macbeth Rewritten

Macbeth Rewritten

231 7 4

Macbeth is a story about a man who was once good but when suddenly promise of power comes; things start to change I am rewriting this story, both because I want to improve my writing skill and I wanna try to make Macbeth a story people could be invested in.…