Sparks (Collection of one shots)

Sparks (Collection of one shots)

33 1 3

These are basically going to be an book about one chapter love stories. Will they be kinda cliche and cheesy? possibly. Will they be not that good? Maybe. Will it probably just be pretty random? Y u p.…

The Daily lives of animal people(sort of)

The Daily lives of animal people(sort of)

8,061 150 111

This is basically random stories about some people i know (aka my friends) if they were animal people , And there is like,10% of real life event that actually happened so i decided to put it in for the heck of it but i aint telling you which XP. The first page will be about them (like their personalities and appearances) then it will get to the actual story. If you really don't want to read the charactor analysis page than you's not like i am what else...oh yeah there is some language here and there so be mindful of that.. that's basically all ENJOY THE STORY :D(Special thanks to @hdjaxon for making the cover ^_^)…

Rating Power Ranger series

Rating Power Ranger series

19,089 396 23

This is just basically my thoughts on Power Rangers in 1 book. I didn't see a "rating power rangers series" on here but plenty of anime ratings so i thought it might be a little fun (well for me at least) to create a list expressing my feeling/thoughts towards each season . All of it is my thoughts are my thoughts, if you have differant opinions, that's fine....i might complain about some of the seasons.... so.... ye with that said enjoy... By no means am i a official reviewer/critic,i'm the total opposite of that...i thought it would be fun to will probably be horrible so......yeah :d (The cover was made by @hdjaxon ) (Oh yeah....sorry if i sound like a know it all at any point in this book, i don't know EVERYTHING there is to know about power rangers....yeah...) (And one last thing....i might sound like a brat with "rating" these series so...yeah just a warning)…