Congratulations // Hamilton

Congratulations // Hamilton

108 4 2

Alexander Hamilton screwed up.He knew this. He knew this for a fact.So the question is why did he publish the details of an affair with multiple people when he knew of four people who were officially being cheated on in the school newspaper? Because he was the president of the newspaper being accused by Thomas Jefferson from the debate team that he'd been taking the money it costs to print the paper for himself to pay off debt his mom had to the hospital. Therefore the solution is no secrets....Right?Not right.Man. Did he mess up.MODERN AU, REVOLUTIONARY CREW POLY. ANGSTY HELL.…

Silently Loud // Hamilton

Silently Loud // Hamilton

2,555 94 9

"Use. Your. Words. Hamilton."Alexander Hamilton was orphaned when he was young. His autism and mental illness made him less than the first choice for foster. He'd been put through hell by his old foster family for his silence, so he learned to use his words.Now he never stopped talking.The Washingtons are the last resort, his agent told him. They were kind, she said. She knew them personally. He didn't trust them anyway.Lafayette and his strange friends seem to see straight through him, and he hates it.REVOLUTIONARY SQUAD POLY…

The Head Tie - Hamilton

The Head Tie - Hamilton

4,503 147 8

Lafayette x Hercules Mulligan. "But it's yours!" Lafayette giggled, trying to pull away from his boyfriend as he tied the head tie around his ponytail. Hercules stood back to admire his work, and Lafayette hated to admit it felt familiar and safe to have the ends of it hanging down his back."It'll keep you safe for me." Hercules grinned.ANGST ANGST EVERYWHERE!! (Note: Definitely NOT historically accurate, this is made up.)…