Regulus Black - an HP short story

Regulus Black - an HP short story

21,956 584 7

This is an HP short story about Regulus who didn't die in that cave but who was saved by Kreacher.He asks Dumbledores help to find and destroy the other remaining Horcruxes.-----Available in Mandarin on OurWizardingWorldOn jjwxc: & Lofter:…

Lucinda Evans - still in progress

Lucinda Evans - still in progress

9,383 242 26

My name? Easy, that is Lucinda Evans. I turned 14 this summer and this year will be my fourth at Beauxbatons. My best friend is Merope Black, who is also my adoptive sister.I know this year there will be a Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts. Mr Malfoy made sure that Mer and I would be one of the privileged students to go but we're not allowed to enter the Tournament.He always makes stupid rules for us while Draco is allowed to do whatever he wants. And if something goes wrong, one of us gets the blame. So unfair.But he, that's life.No, that is about to change, I can feel something big is about to happen.---copyright to J.K. Rowling, I wanted to stay as close as possible to the original version, so some conversations are the same but with my personal touch. Enjoy!…

Matched - slow updates

Matched - slow updates

115 0 6

I live in a system where everything is planned out for you.Your whole life is planned out. Your job, your family, your love life... everything.I live in a very poor family and in a few days, it is matching day again. Everyone that is older then 17 gets a number that day, the number of your 'soulmate', chosen by a computer.I don't agree, I won't let a computer or a system control my life. I can make my own decisions.I can and I will.…

Darcy Potter

Darcy Potter

691,080 15,230 45

Everybody in the Wizard World seems to know The Boy Who Lived, but nobody ever heard of his little sister untill she goes to Hogwarts.She finds out what Voldemort wants from her and why her brother must die.All this, while she slowly falls for Draco Malfoy...---copyright to J.K. Rowling, I wanted to stay as close as possible to the original version, so some conversations are the same but with my personal touch. Enjoy!…

Iota Carinae Black - still in progress

Iota Carinae Black - still in progress

204 4 4

My full name is Iota Carinae Aquila Black which is a bit of a mouth full so people just call me Black or Iota for family and friends. Though I only have one friend, my mother died years ago and I never knew my father so not many call me that.My one and only friend is 2 years younger than I am and goes by the name Eren Fleamont Potter. Yes, indeed. Fleamond, what a funny name right? Well like I'm one to talk, I'm named after starts.Anyway, this was supposed to be my fourth year at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in North America. But there was this crazy guy, who introduced himself as Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, who came by and told us we were about to transfer to a different school; Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Scotland.…



643 49 6

Het tweede trimester begon. Iedereen was druk aan het vertellen wat hij deze vakantie gedaan had. Ian lette niet op die verhalen, ze leken toch allemaal op elkaar. Daarom zag hij haar als eerste.Er is een nieuw meisje op school, niemand blijft dit ongemerkt. Ze trekt zich van niets en niemand aan, ze lijkt geen emoties te tonen tot ze Ian ontmoed.Hij heeft het gevoel alsof hij haar kent en wil meteen alles over haar te weten komen. Waarom gedraagt ze zich zo raar? Waarom juist hem?…

Russian love - idea still in progress

Russian love - idea still in progress

21 2 1

I couldn't see anything. Everything went black when I entered the coffee shop. I don't know what happened with me after that. I don't know where I am now. What I do know is that I'm chained, there is tap before my mouth and that I'm not alone. I know there are others here. I hear them pull their chains. I know they're panicking. A person can't think clearly if she isn't calm. I need a plan. I need to get out of here.What is going to happen to me?…

Gestolen prinses - on hold

Gestolen prinses - on hold

235 10 3

Iona, de jongste dochter van koning Boris van Griekenland, stond overal bekend om haar schoonheid. Haar vader had haar Asmir gegeven voor haar laatste verjaardag. Hij was een Arabisch paard en had een fortuin gekocht, maar voor Iona was niets te duur. Hij kocht haar altijd het duurste en het beste, waar haar zussen en broers vaak jaloers op waren. Ze pesten haar daarom ook soms als hun vader het niet zag en hun moeder was te ziek om er zich iets van aan te trekken.Op een van Iona's tochtjes werd ze ontvoerd door Perzische prinsen, betekend dit oorlog?…

The Sträga [EN] - on hold

The Sträga [EN] - on hold

201 10 6

Everywhere in the world, babies are scanned at birth to see if they have a gift. The one with gifts shall be taken away and supposedly declared dead. But in reality, they are taken to an underground fights basis to development their gift. My name is Asya and I'm one of them.trailer:…

Rainbow Moonstone - on hold

Rainbow Moonstone - on hold

748 38 6

There are two types of elves; light and dark ones.If you're a light elf you can be Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall.Every season has his own element. Winter is water, Summer fire, Spring earth and Fall air.They all live in their own section. Only one of each season is allowed to visit the other factions. That are the avatars, they can control all the four elements. They live in the palace in the middle of the city.If you're a dark elf, you once were a light elf, even if your parents are dark.You have three groups there. But they aren't really groups, that's just how we structure them. Actually they're one group. The colour of their eyes shows just their ranking in their society. In Light it is, how fuller the colour, how higher ranked. In Dark it depends of how much colour you have left in your eyes. The one with black eyes are the weakest, and the all have a silver glow at their pupil.The colour of your eyes showes what element you master.Ones the dark elves were also light elves but they changed. Nobody knows why, only the dark once. But I'm not going to ask them.And I, well, I am a light elf. I am the Avatar of Water.trailer:…

My unwanted mate - slow updates

My unwanted mate - slow updates

4,209 143 8

I'm runnig.They are going to get me.And if they do, I'm dead.I can hear them comming closser.I try to run faster, but my legs object.Ah!They have me, and they pin me at the ground.They take my backpack and rip it to pieces and brake my arrows with silvern arrowheads.Then the biggest one of them growls. The wolf who pint me on the ground gets of me.The big, black wolf comes to me, his head close to mine.O, shit. I'm dead."MINE!"trailer:…

Eira - on hold

Eira - on hold

357 24 3

Eira's moeder was in het kraambed gestorven van haar. Haar vader wilde haar daarom nooit aankijken, hij gaf er haar de schuld van. Haar 2 broers waren Olaf en Iwan, haar zus was Dagmar.Eira was de jongste en werd daarom ook altijd gezien als de zwakste. Al was zij dan niet de sterkste zij was wel de slimste van hun. Allen ware ze ook bloedmooi, dat hadden ze van hun moeder, iedereen noemde hun een geschenk van de goden. Want zo zagen ze er voor vreemdelingen soms uit, goden.Eira's broers en zus waren al lang getrouwd en haar vader had beslist dat zij dat nu ook moest doen. Haar vader had een toernooi om haar gehouden, de sterkste kreeg haar. Eira had het gevoel gehad alsof hij zo snel mogelijk van haar of wou...trailer:…

De Sträga [NE] - on hold

De Sträga [NE] - on hold

2,007 183 17

Overal in de wereld worden baby's gescand bij hun geboorte om te zien of ze een gave hebben.Degene met een gaven worden weggenomen en zogezegd dood verklaard. Maar in werkelijkheid worden ze meegenomen naar een ondergrondse vechtbasis om hun gave te leren ontwikkelen.Mijn naam is Asya en ik ben een van hun.Trailer:…