Human Again (A Jeff the Killer story)

Human Again (A Jeff the Killer story)

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[Completed]" You're so annoying", he suddenly says with pity in his eyes, analyzing my face in disgust."I prefer to be annoying than a psycho like you!""You don't know what you're missing, silly girl. My world is a psycho one, true, but so much interesting than yours." He grabs his knife, ready to stab me at any moment. I need to find something to say. Now."Show me then."He looks at me with surprise and incomprehension. "What?" He pulls his knife away and I know I've won. "Show me your world. In return, I'll show you mine. I'll show you all the beautiful things in it. I'll show you how to be human again." And with that, my world has never been the same anymore.********************The character of Jeff isn't mine.Please note that it's a story about Jeff the Killer, but without all the creepypasta thing. I tried to imagine how he'd be if he lived in our real world.Sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm not from an English speaking country.…