The Questions, Part One:

The Questions, Part One:

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These questions have been asked, some by many, some by very few.Your interpretation is the solution. You answer one question, or maybe all of them.Up to you to decide as an individual. Think of everything you have done, from beginning, to where you are currently.My questions, you decide how you would sovle it your way.Let the desisions be made and may it help you in your journey through life, living it the way you want and put together life throughout time.Write in this book, write in a notebook, on rock, whatever you might have and find out more about you as your own being.P.S. Thank you for looking upon the letter in witch I selected in this particular pattern to form words for you to read and understand what (The thoughts inside the the mind of myself, and the you the open minded people of the world) I'm trying to share with you. Sinserly, Flamingo…