Let's Fight

Let's Fight

3 0 2

In a world where meta's have just been discovered to exist within the supernatural community, the world is in chaos. Cara is one of those new meta's. Ancient supernaturals who have existed since the dark ages, presume that meta's are weak, only being able to maintain one power through their supernatural parent. A birth defect.But is that really true? Are the meta's truly the weakest supernatural?When Cara receives her invitation to student championships for power-placement, it may come as a surprise to many just how powerful these new meta's can be. Forced into combat school, ranked as number 1 for first years can she make friends with the very angry, and very powerful first year top contenders? Especially when one is her child hood crush who had kept their 'connection' a secret, or the second best who can't quite leave her alone.and can she prove all those old wind bags wrong?…