Keep Running

Keep Running

7,236 413 12

Fresh out of college, Alison DiLaurentis struggles with her ice cold exterior and her dreams of becoming a known journalist. It doesn't make matters any easier when her childhood friend, Emily Fields mysteriously returns home to Rosewood around the same time as herself, throwing her life yet another curve ball.…

Emison one shots

Emison one shots

1,336 30 2

Random Emison one shots…

Where We Left off Yesterday

Where We Left off Yesterday

17,720 801 16

Alison DiLaurentis comes from a rich family with parents who hardly pay any attention to her. All her life she had never believed in hope, her parents had ruined it for her. She wants to help people, she wants to make a change. And the urge to do so becomes stronger the moment her eyes land on Emily Fields.…

What Ever It Takes (Emison Story)

What Ever It Takes (Emison Story)

187,921 5,611 47

An insecure Alison DiLaurentis meets the sweet hot Army soldier Emily Fields on their plane ride home back to Rosewood. Both are immediately intrigued by one another and will do what ever it takes to break down each other's walls.…

Familiar Stranger

Familiar Stranger

20,163 782 13

Throwing herself into work after a heart breaking incident with her former lover, Detective Emily Fields continues to survive day by day with an emotionless demeanor. What happens when a familiar blonde from the past shows up in her life out of the blue? Will she be able to forgive and forget, or will this person stay just that, a familiar stranger.…

Never Forget

Never Forget

67,309 1,715 27

Emily is a nurse and lives in New York with her best friend Amy Harper. Emily just had a baby girl 4 months ago. She suffered great loss through out the years but she says she is fine but everyone knows she isn't . Emily Fields may "forgive" the people who hurt her but she will Never ForgetAlison had left Emily 8 years ago after graduation she hasn't seen or heard from her since. She has been miserable and regrets leaving Emily after telling her she would never What happens when Alison goes to New York and runs into her long lost love? Read to find out…