Beyond the Breaking Point

Beyond the Breaking Point

7,044 243 5

Caught between a rebellious teen fighting for his independence and an older brother struggling to be a parent, Matthew somatizes. Not drawing attention to his fake ailments seems the best way not to further stress the already precarious situation - but when Matthew takes his resolution a bit too far, all their lives are sent into a tailspin. (Human AU; ACE Family)WIP || 36K+ words || Rating: K+Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya; credits for the cover picture go to ルゥコ@ (pixiv member ID=55970)…



13,234 670 19

Marguerite Williams is a shy, unremarkable Canadian girl. She is used to being ignored, after all, there's nothing worthy of attention in her, and she didn't expect anything to change after moving to the US. She certainly didn't expect a boisterous American boy, an eccentric French neighbour, and a group of quirky teens determined to prove her wrong. (Human AU; Nyo!Canada; AmeCan)WIP || 186k+ words || Rating: THetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. Credits for the cover picture go to 塩基 (pixiv ID=222179), and for the edit to @Headphonemaiden!…

Sometimes We Fall

Sometimes We Fall

2,809 103 2

In which two little colonies learn exactly why they shouldn't climb trees, England makes a grievous mistake, and Canada pays the price for it. In the end, the experience leaves all of them with the greatest lesson to learn: how to get up and mend the broken pieces together. (Pre-Revolutionary War; ACE Family) Completed work || 12,026 words || Rating: KHetalia and the cover picture belong to Hidekaz Himaruya.…

Arthur Kirkland's  Guide to Being a Big Brother

Arthur Kirkland's Guide to Being a Big Brother

3,931 184 5

After ten years of living as the youngest of four children, Arthur Kirkland is firmly convinced that older brothers are useless at best, a nuisance at worst. The introduction of six-year-old Alfred into his life is the first of many changes that force Arthur to reconsider his position. (Human AU) Completed work || 40,752 words || Rating: K+Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. Credits for the lovely edit I'm using as cover go to @Headphonemaiden, and for the picture to シロクマ (pixiv id=621971)!…

White Lies

White Lies

15,373 433 4

After sustaining serious injuries, Canada struggles with his resolution of keeping America from a truth that would only hurt him. But America isn't so easy to fool, and with other nations getting involved as well, Canada's well-meant lie might end up worsening the situation. (Sequel of "Overheated")Completed work || 35,673 words || Rating: K+Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya; credits for the cover picture go to kenlo (pixiv ID=2892327)…

Needy Child

Needy Child

43,255 1,233 6

America is all grown up now, but Canada is still a child. A little, useless child who's no longer needed nor loved by his older brother. When an accident happens, will it reinforce Canada's belief or prove him wrong? (Pre-Revolutionary War)Completed work || 36,525 words || Rating: K+Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya; credits for the cover picture go to bebe (pixiv member id=88560)…

I See Fire

I See Fire

6,713 184 2

America would have never wanted to hurt his little brother, but he has duties to his people and Canada is a mere casualty in his conflict with England. With York ablaze, America and Canada learn the hard way that a Personification has no control over the actions of men. A year later, in Washington, they must face the consequences. (War of 1812; ACE Family) Completed work || 15,424 words || Rating: THetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya; credits for the cover picture go to フジッコ ( pixiv member id=284196).…



13,588 395 3

America has noticed that Canada has been feeling down lately. Being the heroic big brother he is, he takes the matter in his hands and drags Canada out of the house for some brotherly bonding. In Texas. In the middle of summer. Too bad Canada, a northern nation, doesn't exactly have a good heat tolerance. Needless to say, things don't go as planned. Completed work || 16,834 words || Rating: K+ Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya; credits for the cover picture go to kenlo (pixiv ID=2892327)…