Finding Islam

Finding Islam

440,835 36,472 92

--Life works in mysterious ways. King Patterson never really thought about life in depth. He did not care much for his future. He did not plan. There was no use. He would be six feet under today, tomorrow or the day after that. He took each day as it came, but never took them seriously. That was until fate took him down a completely different route. After crossing paths with someone who paves a way for him to finally find purpose in life...a goal...a final destination that he can work towards, King pulls himself out of one world and falls blindly into another.A world that has A'ishah in it. And she, alone, was enough to make his newly discovered world absolutely perfect. --…

A Fine Line

A Fine Line

1,378 170 2

It is said that there is a fine line between opposites...love and hate, guilt and shame, genius and insanity, bravery and recklessness. Like all of these, Jannah and Hunter also couldn't be any more opposite. Their views, personalities, morals and values? Completely different. Their infatuation with each other? The exact same. Yet, neither of them are willing to cross the line.…

Muslim Love Story (Under Major Editing)

Muslim Love Story (Under Major Editing)

548,587 29,349 41

Assalamu Alaykum. Peace be upon you. The journey that each of us embark on when looking for love is as unique as the prints at the tips of our fingers. The quest for love, although in hindsight may seem to be a beautiful thing, in reality can be a dangerous path to take. Hira and Amir's journey is no different. Two young people walking towards a union neither of them wanted can only mean impulsive decisions, regretful actions and a hurricane of raw emotions. Hira is not looking for marriage, nor is Amir. So how exactly do they end up happily married a few short months after their first ever encounter?…

Together Forever

Together Forever

259,458 14,768 31

--We hear many times of couples meeting, spending time together, getting to know one another before getting married and having their happily ever after. How often, though, do we hear of these very people after their happily ever after? How often do we hear stories from relationships which have gone through hell and back? How often do we hear of a love so great that it rekindles after years of destruction?Not very often.Sumayya wakes up one morning to find that her husband has abandoned her, leaving her all alone in their bed, their home and their marriage. Alone and pregnant. For years, Sumayya pushes her way through life, overcoming countless obstacles which life mercilessly throws at a young, single mother of two. The story begins when Zaid, the man she has not seen for four years, shows his face at her work place, and goes on to follow the pair on their whirlwind of emotions, rash decisions and their thorn-filled journey of falling in love all over again.…

Islamic Motivation

Islamic Motivation

22,301 1,772 12

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu! May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah swt be upon you!This is a book filled with random chapters that I pray will benefit you inshaaAllah. If you are looking for motivation to become a better muslimah, to start observing hijab, to stop listening to music, to increase in your righteous deeds - then read of this book that which you need. The title will tell you what that specific chapter is about ☺️Including: - Events based on true stories - Advice - Ahadith- Ayat al Qur'an ❤️I pray that this book, with the will of Allah swt, will increase you in imaan!…