Jester's Laughter

Jester's Laughter

2,123 85 2

(This is a Cookie Run Kingdom fanfiction and a reader insert, and the reader is female in this.)Long ago, in the land of Beast Yeast, when the Great Calamity had struck the Silver Kingdom of the faerie cookies, the 5 beasts, the 5 fallen ancients, the 5 fallen heroes, Burning Spice Cookie, Eternal Sugar Cookie, Silent Salt Cookie, Mystic Flour Cookie, and Shadow Milk Cookie.5 promising heroes turned to darkness and evil.They would destroy all of Earthbread if it hadn't been for Elder Faerie Cookie, the leader of the Silver Kingdom, who sealed them in the silver tree.After Elder Faerie sealed the beasts, he found a baby cookie, a baby cookie that looked like Shadow Milk Cookie. He didn't want the child to grow up like Shadow Milk, so he put her to sleep for years, sealing her off.Many years ago, new ancients had already risen. Pure Vanilla Cookie was one of them. One day, he invited his friends over to his kingdom for some company, and he decided to take a walk in the royal garden, then heard a cry.He found a baby, and that baby was the same baby Elder Faerie sealed away years ago. Somehow, the spell broke, and the baby woke up.Pure Vanilla saw a necklace on the baby's neck, noticing that the design looked like his soul jam but upside down with a black slit in the middle. On the back of the necklace had the baby's name on it, Y/n.Pure Vanilla took her in and raised her as his own.Y/n grew up happy with him until she was 10, then Dark Enchantress Cookie attacked, and her dad and his friends were gone.She decided to search for her dad or any traces of him.She found him, and they reunited, but one day, Y/n, Pure Vanilla, some friends she made, Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, and Wizard Cookie went to a land called Beast Yeast, where Y/n discovered earthbread-shattering secrets.…

What We Lost

What We Lost

1,573 61 2

(Reincarnated As Orion Pax, but you're Y/n Pax, and then it turns into Y/n Prime at the end. female reader.)I was just a regular person, all alone, too. Everyone in my life either left to do their own thing or lost hope. I always desired a connection, but no one ever stayed with me. But one, I had a conversation with a peculiar man, and he told me that no matter how bleak things are, hope is what always will drive us forward. And there are those that remain, not in presence, but in memory. His words inspired me to keep going.One day, on my way home, I saved a boy from getting hit by a truck but lost my own life in the process. I thought I died, but when I saw a bright blue light and woke up, I was surprised and freaked out to be faced with yellow...optics?That's when I realized I took Orion Pax place in the Transformers One movie. I still had my name, but with Pax at the end of it. Along the way, I didn't realize that I had fallen in love with D-16, who would later be known as Megatron.…

Reincarnated As The Light Of Truth

Reincarnated As The Light Of Truth

9,715 424 12

(fem. reader)Hi, my name's Y/n, but that soon changed to Y/n Cookie, but you can still call me Y/n. Let me tell you about the moment that changed my life. LITERALLY!One day, I was coming home from work. I was very excited because the CRK 4th anniversary update just came out, and I wanted to download it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it was raining and storming very hard that day, but I still had power and internet at home.When I got home to download the update, the power decided to go out right when the download was about to finish.I got so mad because I wanted to see what happened because Shadow Milk Cookie finally became playable, and I wanted to get him on my game, but I couldn't because I had no power.To try and fix my problem, I went outside to start my generator, not noticing my phone glowing an ominous blue.Just as I got the generator turned on. I was about to go inside until lightning struck, knocking down a tree, and landed on me.I thought I was dead, but boi, was I wrong. I somehow woke up in the Cookie Run Kingdom world and had taken Pure Vanilla Cookie's place as the light of truth. That's how I became Y/n Cookie.A while after that, I had some wholesome moments until Dark Enchantress Cookie attacked, and before I knew it, I was following the game's plot.There was one thing I didn't know yet, and it was that a certain deceitful beast had a keen interest in making me his.(A/n-The cover is what the reader looks like in this book)…

Heaven's Shadow

Heaven's Shadow

1,213 56 2

(fem. insert)Before Lilith fell in love with Lucifer, she had a baby girl with her first husband, Adam, and her name was Y/n. Lilith loved her baby girl, but Adam paid her no mind, even if Y/n did all she could to get his attention. But when Y/n was born, she was very sick. She had been coughing up blood ever since she was a baby. It was a miracle she was able to live past 18. Before that, when Y/n was still a little girl, she followed her mother in the garden one day and met Lucifer. The man Lilith left Adam for. Lucifer was curious about Lilith's daughter and found her adorable, so he gave her a pet duck as a present. Which Y/n named Duck Duck. Unfortunately, a few years later, when Y/n had turned 19, her mother and Lucifer were cast into the dark pit now known as Hell. The sickness Y/n had carried with her her whole life had caught up to her, and she died right on the spot, coughing up blood. So, Y/n never got to see her dad's new bride, nor did she want to see him, but she did in Heaven.When Adam saw that his daughter had died, he didn't know why he cared all of a sudden. After all, Y/n was the daughter of the wife who betrayed him, but she was also his daughter.Years later, in Heaven, Y/n didn't bother to try and get her father's attention anymore, like she did when she was alive. Y/n would get along with Emily, one of the seraphims, and her half-brother Abel. Unlike when he was alive, Adam tried, or at least attempted to bond with his daughter, but she ignored him, and one day, an argument broke out between them, which caused Y/n to run away to Hell, hoping to find her mother, but her mother wasn't there, and that's where she met Charlie, her half-sister and a familiar friend, her girlfriend Vaggie. Y/n was disguised as a demon, of course, to blend in. She also discovered Charlie wanted to rehabilitate sinners, and Y/n was immediately in.She also became fond of a certain demon.When Y/n ran away, Adam was determined to find her and bring her back.…

Mulan: A Peach Fuzz Parody

Mulan: A Peach Fuzz Parody

990 46 2

The cast: Mulan-Y/n: fake name: ShihouShang-NezhaFa Zhou-Monkey KingMulan's Mom-Yú MíngGrandma Fa-Mrs. CarmichaelYao-RedsonLing-Mei, male name Mao.Chein Po-MKCrikee-PuckMushu-MacaqueEmperor-Jade Emperor Chi-Fu-Yin and JinHuns-Random demonsShan Yu-XiangliuMatchmaker-Scorpion QueenKhan(the horse)-Ao LieGeneral Li-Li JingThe cover was made by the lovely @AliceCaudill.…

Reincarnated As The Green Ninja

Reincarnated As The Green Ninja

13,098 737 19

(fem. reader)My name is Y/n, and I am an orphan. Everyone, even the caretakers and other kids, picked on me at the orphanage. I had no friends, and I was bullied for liking Lego shows, especially Ninjago. I'm school, in the orphanage, almost everywhere I went, I was bullied and beaten. There were even times at the orphange when I wasn't allowed to eat. Ninjago was the only thing that brought me comfort over there.One day, I was about 15, I was walking back to the orphanage after another day of school, but a cry was heard. I saw that a kid was being bullied. The bullies had pushed the kid into the street, right in front of an oncoming car, so I had to act. I pushed the kid out of the way and got hit instead.I woke up in the hospital, tired and exhausted of this miserable life, so I pulled the plug on myself.I thought that was it, until I woke up as a baby, being held by, this can't be right, Misako from Ninjago, and Garmadon as well.They called me their daughter, their little Y/n.That's when I realized...I was the f-ing green ninja.…

Child Of The Merge

Child Of The Merge

1,244 43 2

My name is Y/n, and I'm the master of all the elements. You're probably wondering how. Well, let me tell you what I remember.The day I was born, there were flashing lights in the sky. The sky turns a magenta color and golden cracks in reality, and bam!The merge happened. Combining all the realms together, but what I didn't know at the moment was that the very event that merged all the realms together made me the master of all the elements.Due to the merge, there were mergequakes, and they affected me just like the world.Of course, I didn't know it at the moment. When the Merge happened, I was only a baby, but I was taken in by this herd of dragons, and I grew up with them for the next 7 years, with my little dragon brother Riyu. Thankfully, living with dragons helped me learn to understand them.One day, Me and Riyu were captured, and then we escaped and met these ninjas who saved us from the dragons hunters. When the ninja helped me and Riyu find our family, we decided to stay with the ninja.My main goal was to find my birth family, but during a battle in Imperium, a source dragon, a being of pure power showed me that the merge created me, and that I'm the master of all the elements.I became saddened, and the ninja did all they could to cheer me up, but it didn't work.Brought back to Imperium, when the world was on the brink of collapse, and I had faded away, I didn't realize that I didn't need a birth family, because the ninja will always be my family.The merge may have created me or brought me back together, but I still had yet to find out the rest of my origins.…

Peach Fuzz

Peach Fuzz

29,243 1,209 17

(Fem. reader)My name's Y/n, and before my life changed drastically in some good and bad ways, I was a normal person. I was just a normal girl who went to high school, and I also had trouble making friends, which is why I was dubbed "The Loner" in school. The title, I didn't mind as much, but I did start to mind once I started getting bullied for it. Fights would always be the results of it, and somehow, I'd always get in more trouble. Why? Cause this certain group of bullies liked to bully other people, and I tried to defend the victims, but I'd always be the one that ended up suspended. When I got home after days like that, my sister, the one I live with, she didn't pay me any mind, even if she didn't have work that day. She'd always be talking or playing games with her friends on days she didn't have work, and never spent time with me, which made me all the more lonely.My only comfort was watching the Lego Monkie Kid, my comfort show. It was the only thing that got me to smile, laugh, and cry when I felt lonely. All I want is just to be loved. Love is all I want.One day, another boring and lonely day at school, the bell had rung, signaling the end of the day. I got excited for it because I was finally gonna watch LMK season 5, but I saw a group of bullies messing with an innocent person, so I stepped in to help the person, but in the process, I was pushed down the stairs, causing my neck to snap, and I died.I thought I was dead dead, but I woke up as a baby, not just any baby, a baby monkey demon, and you wanna know who my dad was? Sun Wukong the Monkey King from LMK. I didn't know what to feel, but all I knew was that I got reincarnated a little ways before the Brotherhood attacked the Celestial Realm.Just like some reincarnation stories, I wasn't able to stop it, but as time went on, I went on this LMK journey, becoming friends with MK and the others, I think I even gained a crush.But what I've been wanting in my past life and this life was love.…

Reincarnated As The Six-Eared Y/n

Reincarnated As The Six-Eared Y/n

40,700 1,650 19

(Wukong x female reader)My name is Y/n, and my life didn't seem like a happy one, to me, anyway. In school, I was bullied. I would get bullied even more cause I watch one of my most favorite shows, Lego Monkie Kid. Sometimes, I would get so mad that a fight would break out. I didn't want to fight, I never did, but people messed with something they shouldn't have messed with. Everyone made me out to be the bad guy because of the fights I've gotten in. I thought I had friends, but they betrayed me, and i couldn't trust anybody. When I finally got out of high school, I got myself a simple place to live in and a small job. One day, I was walking home, and that's when I saw a child in the middle of the street, about to be hit by a truck. So, I pushed the kid out of the way, and I died. I thought I would stay dead, but I woke up as the Six-Eared Y/n, and in the LMK world, we'll, the I first woke up in the part where the Brotherhood is about to attack the Celestial Realm, but I didn't have a say in when I got reincarnated. Of course, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape my fate, and I just had to go and fall in love with Sun Wukong.Even after everything that happened, I started to trust again, and I finally learned how to love.…

Reincarnated As The Monkey Queen AU's And Scenarios

Reincarnated As The Monkey Queen AU's And Scenarios

6,717 176 4

This book is for requests, AU's, and any scenario that you might wish that would've happened in Reincarnated As The Monkey Queen. I will post the rules and make sure to follow.…

Big Brother In Blue

Big Brother In Blue

6,393 241 7

(Female reader)Hi, I'm Y/n, I'm 10 years old, my mom is Maddie, she's a veterinarian, and my dad is Tom. He's a cop in Green Hills, where we live. I love to read books and watch shows and movies about adventures, aliens, and stuff like that. Unfortunately, kids in school make fun of me for that, but for some reason, the kids that would bully, after they say mean things, the next thing I knew, they were hanging from a flag pole.One day, my dad got a promotion in San Francisco, so I thought this was a new start to finally make friends until a blue blur appeared and changed everything, and I finally got that big brother I've always wanted.…

Fly Little Butterfly

Fly Little Butterfly

2,863 73 3

(Female insert)My name is Y/n, and yes, I'm a star-touched elf. When I was just a baby, my adopted dad, Lord Viren of Katolis, found me and told me I was sealed away by bad people. He also placed a glamor on me, so I would look like a human, but the glamor has to be replaced every few days before it loses power. Ezran, the second prince of Katolis, also, heir to the throne, is my best friend. I can also speak to animals just like him. One day, assassin's were on their way to assassinate King Harrow, Ezran, and Callum(Ezran's big brother) father. I was 9 when it happened. We met a moonshadow elf named Rayla and found the egg of the dragon prince. Then the journey began to bring the egg back to its mother, but along the way, I found secrets about myself that I didn't even know.But I've always had these dreams, visions, or memories, I don't know what they were, but there were two names that stood out to me in them.Aaravos and Leola.…

Reincarnated As The Monkey Queen

Reincarnated As The Monkey Queen

96,824 3,434 36

(Macaque x female reader)My name's Y/n, and my life wasn't all that great. Sure, I had friends and decent grades in school, but as I grew older, I was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. So I was admitted to the hospital and stayed there. I wasn't able to move and I didn't have my friends to come visit me, they were all too busy and eventually forgot about me, even my family as well. I was just a girl in her early 20s, wasting away my adult life. The only comfort I had was watching Lego Monkie Kid on the TV in the room. I wanted to die so bad that I wanted my suffering to end, and eventually, my world went dark, but the next thing I knew, the universe granted me another chance at life, but I didn't expect to get reincarnated as the Monkey King, or Monkey Queen in my situation, and I certainly didn't expect to fall for Macaque, but becoming the Monkey Queen meant I had to go through many hardships, even before I made it to the shows timeline.But one thing I did know is that I'm the queen.…

Mercy And Forgiveness

Mercy And Forgiveness

41,214 1,545 40

Hi, I'm Y/n, and if you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of the show Lego Monkie Kid. I absolutely love the show and everything about it. One day, I was walking home in the rain, then out of nowhere came a big truck and hit me. Such a sad way to die, or so I thought. I thought I died, but then I woke up in a world, not just any world, the Lego Monkie Kid world. Getting control of myself before I fangirled myself to death, I was determined to make sure the characters didn't have to suffer the trauma they did, and the universe answered me. I somehow bumped into MK, along with Mei, and then so on, we hung out, etc, then I somehow got a job at Pigsy's and slept in the same room as MK, I slept on a futon of course.As the timeline of the show went on, I discovered I had healing powers, powers to alleviate other's suffering, but besides that and knowing what was going to happen, I didn't realize how close I was getting with a specific character, but what would he think when I tell him that I knew this was going to happen.A/n-This will slowly turn into an MK x reader.…

S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽t͓̽i͓̽c͓̽ ͓̽A͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽l͓̽

S͓̽t͓̽a͓̽t͓̽i͓̽c͓̽ ͓̽A͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽l͓̽

21,525 672 11

When Y/n was alive, she lived wither her Mama and Papa(Alastor), she loved them very much. Alastor would bring Y/n onto his radio shows to sing, and Y/n loved it. As time went on, Y/n noticed her parents were arguing about something she couldn't understand. One day, Y/n was 6, she heard her mom scream, and peeked into her parents room, seeing her Papa killing her with a sadistic smile. Y/n made a noise, and quickly made it back to her room so Papa wouldn't hurt her to. She heard the back door open and shut, knowing it was her Papa carrying her Mama's body away. She called the police, and they chased after Alastor with their dogs, and he died.Y/n had to live in an orphanage, where she was bullied and abused. She was 16 when she died from the abuse. Ended up in Heaven, made friends with an angel named Vaggie, disappeared years later, and doesn't know why. Adam and Lutere A-holes in her opinion.Y/n loved to sing, and a lot of other people in Heaven loved her for it, but someone was jealous, so she framed Y/n for attempted murder, and Y/n fell into Hell.Long story short, she met Vaggie again, and Charlie, knew her Papa is the radio demon when she first arrived in Hell. Decides to help Charlie and Vaggie with the hotel to rehabilitate sinners, like Angel Dust. Freaks out when Alastor appears to "help" with the hotel. (Also knows Vaggie is the same Vaggie from, Vaggie just tells her that she doesn't want Charlie to know.)And the rest follows along the shows plot.(P.S, I don't not own the title picture, what you see as the title picture, is was I edited)…

The Nightmare Princess

The Nightmare Princess

1,793 40 4

(Logan x reader)My name is Y/n, and yeah, I'm the Nightmare Princess, which means my father is the Nightmare King. When the Nightmare King first appeared, I was born from his corruption, and when he was sealed away, I don't know how I didn't fade away, it also meant that I spent years alone in the shadow keep, nothing or no one to keep me company, but I did discover that I could Dreamcraft, and also cross over into the waking world, I didn't even know it could be possible for something like me. Since I discovered I could Dreamcraft, I disguised myself and made myself look less nightmarish, and crossing over to the waking world, I made some friends and learned some new skills, aka hacking so I could go to school. When my father had been let out from captivity, I had to keep my Dreamcrafting ability and be able to cross over to the waking world a secret. I also kept it a secret from my friends, Mateo, his sister Izzy, Cooper, Logan, Zoey, Albert, and Mr. Oz, and I became a Dream Chaser along with them, but the more I kept it a secret, the more scared I got that they were going to leave me alone because of who I am, that's what I'm afraid of, being left alone. Yet, the truth always comes out, sooner or later, but I had Logan to help me through it. Sure he seems like a bad guy, but he's really nice when you get to know him, and he's changed so much, that's why I developed a crush on him, ever since I met him. This is my journey as the Nightmare Princess, and discovering that I don't have to be what I was born as.A/n-Besides being able to Dreamcraft and cross over into the waking, the cover shows her looks in the dream realm and the waking world, and the necklace she is wearing is important to, and she is also vulnerable to corruption.…

1 Year Is All We Need

1 Year Is All We Need

18,652 570 10

Prequel to Macaque's Successor.When Y/n was born from Macaque's stone, he knew he couldn't take care of her, and would have to give her up, but that doesn't mean he would have to right away. 1 year is all they need, to be cared for and loved.…

My Son (Sun Wukong x reader x Macaque)

My Son (Sun Wukong x reader x Macaque)

185,454 5,909 59

My name is Y/n. I'm friends with Pigsy and Mr. Tang. I work at Pigsy's restaurant, living in the apartment above the restaurant. One day, when I took a walk through the city, a little boy came up, covered in mud. He was so small and young, and he said his name was MK. I took him back with me and adopted him as my son. I became his mother. I raised MK and he grew up to be a fine young man, always obsessed with Monkey King stories. One day, MK came back from noodle deliveries with Monkey King's staff, saying the Demon Bull King was free, and from that point and before, I caught the interest of two certain monkeys, while also discovering things about myself that I didn't know about.…

Macaque's Successor

Macaque's Successor

206,835 6,611 50

The reader is MK's non-identical twin sister. When Pigsy both sent the two out for noodle deliveries, MK went to deliver his stack of noodles, while you did your deliveries, and while you did your deliveries, you found a staff, for a second, you thought it was Monkey King's staff, but it was black highlighted with gold. Without thinking, you picked it up and felt a surge of power through you, and that's when you met Macaque. He looked almost like Monkey King, but with black fur. He saw the staff in your hands and explained to you that only he could pick it up, but when he saw you holding it, he decided to take you under his wing, and make you his successor. So from that point, you trained to be a warrior and fought demons along with your brother.A/n-The reader has the exact same powers Macaque has, like aquatic breathing, enhanced hearing, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Cloning, Shadow Monkeys, Shadow Transportation, Shadow Hiding, Smoke Generation, and shape-shifting.(And when it gets to season 3, maybe Lady Bone Demon Powers)…

The Emperor's Little Girl

The Emperor's Little Girl

38,538 801 10

So, the reader is Belos daughter. The reader lived in the real world, and I mean that the reader lived in the world were living in now. somehow the reader makes it back to the Boiling Isles, and somehow Belos is her dad. Your 15.Oh, and in the story, you have a birth mark on the back of your neck, that's how Belos recognize you.…