The Lost Kenobi

The Lost Kenobi

6,238 214 17

I never wanted this. I never asked to have this power within me. It is probably why my parents hid me from the world. But that all ended when our village got attacked and I was the only one left. My parents always told me of a woman who, when the time came, could help me control this thing within. Leia Organa. However, when I did finally find her, she was General Organa, leader of the Resistance. So to have her teach me, I joined. It was there where I found my true purpose. It wasn't learning to control the Force, but helping stop the First Order. It was also there where I met the cockiest, most obnoxious pilot in the universe. Poe Dameron. With trying to get a control on my budding abilities and dealing with Mr. Bighead, my life started to get interesting. Authors Note: This takes place around five years before the Force Awakens, and goes throughout the entire trilogy.…

My Life as an Avenger

My Life as an Avenger

2,947 76 8

Olivia Olsen grew up on an island secluded from society. Her father is a genius billionaire, and Olivia got her genius from her father. When a man visits Olivia she is summoned to join a secret team called the Avengers.…

Animation (Young Justice)

Animation (Young Justice)

958 30 17

I'm Annabelle Hadley, best friend to Wally West, or Kid Flash. Yes, I know Wally's alter ego and I also knew that Barry was the Flash. I admired everything they did, and all I wanted to do was to be a hero like them. However, Wally was insistent that I stay a civilian. However, when I got a internship at StarLabs, I got a chance to make myself the hero I wanted, and once I prove myself I was going to show not only Wally, but the rest of the Justice League and Young Justice League that I was a hero. *This story starts in the middle of season one*…

Beyond the Frontier

Beyond the Frontier

109,282 2,994 38

Isabella Williams wanted all her life to work for Starfleet in their Advanced Weaponary department. When she graduates top of her class she is assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise to work on the bridge as the main weapons expert. But when Vulcan gets attacked will she able to withstand the storm it brings? Will she find love?…

Daughter of Darkness

Daughter of Darkness

614 21 15

Salinda of Havenel is the daughter of the Great Warrior Gregoire and niece of the King Roark. Being a noblewoman there were certain things expected of her, she was to be dainty, proper, and once she reached of age, to be married off to a neighboring country to form relations. However, Salinda was far from the normal noblewoman. She liked archery, horseback riding, sword play, and rough housing. By the time Sal turned age 10, the age other nobleborns could become pages, she wanted to join the path to Knighthood. However, no other girls in two centuries had been a knight, and there were those, in the kingdom of Carlika, who thought it should remain that way, but Sal was determined to break that old fashion thought.…

Controlling Fate
Bones Imagines

Bones Imagines

27,543 486 6

Typical Imagines, but to the bones tv show.…

Heroes of Olympus Headcanons

Heroes of Olympus Headcanons

3,120 122 17

Just your basic headcanons that I thought up at. Hope you enjoy.…

I Am Wind (Will Solace)

I Am Wind (Will Solace)

57,334 1,635 38

Jamie Landis was hidden from the world protected by a goddess until the day she could travel to Camp-Half Blood by herself. Not knowing her true parentage causes her to attract waves of monsters, and causes her to be in danger because she doesn't know her true power. As she grows to learn theses powers she meets a bunch of people and go on many quests. But could these powers prove to be more of a curse then a gift?Longish Chapters.I try to follow the story line the best I can, and I don't get the dialogue completely correct, but I try to get it close.…

New Hope (Kel/Dom FanFic)

New Hope (Kel/Dom FanFic)

3,351 69 8

The Scanran war was coming to end. Keladry was put in charge of the new refugee base, New Hope, after her old base was destroyed. However, ever since coming back from fighting Balyce, Kel was plagued with nightmares. Her friends rallied behind her to help, but Kel started to bottle herself up, and she slowly started to turn back into her Yamani self. When her old Knightmaster, Raoul of Goldenlake, saw her deterioration, and he and the Third Company of the Own came to New Hope. It was when Kel talked with an old friend that she realized she wasn't the only one who was effected by this war.These characters and past story line belong to Tamora Pierce. A lady who wrote my favorite books.…

Earth's Echo (The 100)

Earth's Echo (The 100)

12,499 376 33

Echo Nathans was once a doctor in training, but is now a juvenile delinquent to the Ark's standard is 18 years of age. After realizing that they weren't going to float her at 17 she became extremely nervous of being floated. Then one day she got pulled from her cell, and had a wrist slapped onto her wrist. She was put in a dropship, and was sent down with 99 other teenage prisoners. Once on the ground she has to use doctor skills she has to help save her new friends. But soon they all figure out that they are not alone, and unfortunately Echo has to use her other skills to help protect the 100 from death.LONG CHAPTERS!!!! It goes off the show, and I might alter the story just a bit. I DON'T own this story, the writer of the show own the script, and Kass Morgan owns the story.…

My Journey to S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Fanfic)

My Journey to S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel's Agents of SHIELD Fanfic)

8,191 118 3

This is a story based off the new show Marvel's Agents of SHIELD. It is Skye point of view. Skye is a hacker for the organization The Rising Tide. When she gets kidnapped by SHIELD she is offered a job. She goes, but is still a member of the Rising Tide. Will she betray her new companions to her old group, or will she change her loyalty.…

The Last Elven Queen of Middle Earth

The Last Elven Queen of Middle Earth

866 31 1

-Sequel to Beyond Thought-Felicia is the last Elven Queen of Middle Earth. She lives in Gondor with her husband, Legolas, and her friends, but when a weird dream comes to her, it reveals a new enemy. When they go on another quest, a lot of stuff goes wrong. Is there a traitor in the group? And will they save Middle earth this time, or will they fail?…

Beyond thought (Lord of the Rings fanfic)

Beyond thought (Lord of the Rings fanfic)

293,923 6,872 35

'Why am I here?' A questioned asked by many. A young elf named Felicia daughter of Lord Elrond decides that she wants to do something with her life, so she accompanies the Fellowship of the Ring. She says she is going to help benefit Middle Earth, but is there another reason?…

Finding Out Who I Am

Finding Out Who I Am

1,306 45 16

Amelia Burch is a normal girl, or is she? At the age of 12 she gets attacked and taken to a mysterious camp called Camp Half-blood, but the only reason a person can go there is because they are half god. Amelia meets new people and a new world, and she finds out about something that she never thought she would know.…

Supernatural Imagines

Supernatural Imagines

7,361 131 39

Just your typical supernatural preferences and reader inserts. I'll take requests, and I'll post any you have yourself and post them on my story and give you full credit.…