An Odd Alliance

An Odd Alliance

155 2 5

"Okay, Google."Those two words could control his every move.He used to hear those words every time he was spoken to, until everyone came together.Them. It was them who changed things.But even they had problems, and he just HAD to be the smartest, the most observant, the most informed-Well, maybe none of that was true, but he liked to think it was. And this latest problem gave him a bit of an ego boost. Saving his greatest enemy....And making a friend?(Art not mine)…



2,747 186 108

Dark lived alone in the Markiplier Manor for a long, long time. He wasn't COMPLETELY alone... Wilford lived with him... Even if he wasn't around often. And the DA was always watching... And Anti popped up around once a month...But is it so wrong to wish for more than that? Dark soon discovers the other egos, lost and trapped within their stories... He wants to help them. Free them from Actor's clutches, a few at a time.And then the first batch came in.Was it a mistake to ask for more than he had?...There is a price for everything.Will he lose what's most dear to him?(I don't own the art or characters!)…

More Than One Way

More Than One Way

4,325 221 34

Anti doesn't know what's wrong with him. Whenever someone asks him why he did what he did, he can't answer- because he doesn't know. Whenever he thinks back to his days tormenting the others- they're... Blank. The memories are there, and he's sure he did it, but it wasn't... HIM. He wouldn't tell that to anyone, though. He was already crazy enough. All the Septics hated and feared him- except for Henrik (Doc). Henrik knew something was wrong and cared for Anti, giving him "undeserved kindness". Of course, the Ipliers and Blank had Anti's back, but that didn't help Anti's mindset. What happens if Anti loses Henrik? He breaks.Dark doesn't know how to help his friend. How can he let Anti know it wasn't his fault?(I DONT OWN "WHO KILLED MARKIPLIER", PLEASE WATCH IT BEFORE READING!)Art is not mine!…

Unexpectedly Sequeled

Unexpectedly Sequeled

1,489 83 100

The sequel to both "More Than One Way" and "Torn Apart". They will have an every-other-chapter system. I recommend reading both before reading this, but you don't have to as long as you've read at least one.They will be labeled as 'MTOW' and 'TA'. Enjoy.(Cover art IS mine!)…

Torn Apart

Torn Apart

2,758 168 117

Anti and Dark were the villains, and it would always be that way. After so long of constantly being told you're a monster or villain since birth... They became monsters, in a way. Absolutely insane. The two lived with the Ipliers, but the rift between them and the others grew each day. One day, our poor innocent, foolish villains come up with a plan... To get revenge against Actor.(I don't own the characters or art!)…

The Septic Curse

The Septic Curse

396 16 28

The Septics were having a great October!Luck seemed to be on their side this month- especially with what happened that day. It seemed like the best year of their lives, until what happened that day... Then, things started getting wierd. Can Marvin figure out how to get rid of this "curse"?(The art IS mine!)…

I'm So Sorry

I'm So Sorry

1,995 84 97

Dark has many secrets about his past. But when things go south, and he's coerced into something unexpected- his past comes back to haunt him, as it always does.Can Dark save everyone from the ghosts of his past?Can he even save himself?It seems everyone needs to be saved.Everyone needs "the villain" to be their hero.But at what cost?Welcome to my big project...Enjoy the show :)This is my Hearts and Heroes AU where the lore intertwines with WKM.(I don't own the characters or art)"You're going to be the perfect villain for my story.""I'm so sorry..."…

Partners In Justice

Partners In Justice

1,031 12 39

Actor is at it again with his terrorism and genocide- I MeAn- "Storytelling" and has a new partner in "Justice".Much to his distaste, our dearest-villainous- Darkiplier has his own new partner in crime to help in his endeavor to stop Actor and save his fellow egos.But Dark's new partner is... Odd, to say the least. He seems to be holding secrets but doesn't seem... Malicious. If you haven't read "Dancin' With the Glitch" I suggest you read it. This universe is strongly linked to that one- being the film they made during that book. But you don't have to read it, these are still separate.(I don't own the art or characters)…

Dancin' With the Glitch

Dancin' With the Glitch

2,976 113 46

Something is off about the new Septic ego; Con. Dark knows there's something wrong. In front of others, Con puts up a brave front, but he's really a scaredy cat. Why is this strange ego opening up to him? Why is he... So familiar?What does he want?...Did he just glitch?(Art is not mine!)…