

5,093 325 25

'Found, discovered, fallen ... it's all the same thing, really.'First Cadi was abused and excluded;Then she was used and flattered;And now she is Fallen.~An angel who has never really fitted in in Heaven, Cadi is scared at the prospect of the initiation. She knows that if she fails, she will receive the cruel punishment of becoming Wingless, where her angel wings will be ripped from her back and she'll be thrown to Earth. But she's barely expecting to become Wingless for something so melodramatic as what happened.She fell in love with a demon.Now she is alone, and she must become more independent, or face the consequences. Once the problem of survival clears up, she decides on revenge. And when revenge is handed to her by a demon prince called Lues, she'd be mad not to take it.~…



16,571 809 28

What happens when the Princess of Heaven and the Son of Satan fall in love?A whole lot of trouble happens.*Lues and Celeste, a demon and an angel, fall in love - entirely by accident - in their initiations. The price to pay for failing initiation is getting your wings cruelly ripped out from the back, a process that you're not likely to survive. Is their love worth it at all?*You can read this on it's own, but if you read 'Fallen' you'll understand it better. (It's on my profile).…

Dark Magic

Dark Magic

292 20 9

Carlotta Branford is not excited to move to a new countryside home. She's her dead mother's spitting image; from her city girl attitude to her bright red hair.However, what makes the new situation worse is the fact that she's got Sarah, the daughter of her dad's new wife Katherine, coming with them. Sarah is a "country girl through and through" according to Carlotta's father, and he's hoping that he'll get Catherine into countryside life.But this bright sunny countryside has a dark, evil history. Carlotta and her father's presence has brought up a century-old curse that Carlotta and Sarah are going to have to remedy.…

Mending a Heart (Nico di Angelo fanfic)

Mending a Heart (Nico di Angelo fanfic)

3,276 80 10

Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, is in his last year of his school. Sixth form won't exactly be fun, but he's determined to stick it out. He does it by ignoring everyone except Amanda, his best friend and a daughter of Thanatos, but that's not going too well. Kane Matthews, the prep who's determined to ruin Nico's life, is asking for a demonstration of Nico's fighting skills, but Nico can't break any bones if he doesn't want to get suspended. Monsters are more attracted to him than ever, and there's a new girl Chiara who's making his life difficult.After being rejected by Will Solace last summer, Nico's heart is broken and he's less trusting than ever. Will the Son of Hades be able to mend his broken heart? Or is Nico's spirit broken for good this time?…



7,849 282 10

It's the year 2071 and vampires dominate everything. Humans have two choices: live as their slaves, or the girls can go to Nottingham Academy, which prepares young women to be wives of vampires. There's an annul whole school ball, and exactly a week after, one for the sixteen year old girls and boys. This is the only chance for girls to become a wife of a vampire: one, to be exact. The Prince. Come dressed in red and you automatically enter yourself in the competition for him. The rest of the school votes - and the winner marries the Prince and becomes a vampire. The losers become her first meal.Leia Bingham is the most unpopular girl in school. She is secretly dating the prince, Catus. She must go in red to get the man she loves. She has practically no chance ... especially against Katy Mandon, school Queen Bee - but she does it regardless. Katy isn't used to being opposed. Especially by nerds - and she doesn't do petty. She's more likely to hire a hit man to kill you than spray-paint your locker. Leia better watch her back...…



1,342 137 11

Stuck is the story of Ella, who wakes up one morning in a hideous room that she's never seen before. All she knows is that the hospital have locked her in there to make her talk, make her tell them why she's been cutting herself, why she tried to end her life three weeks ago.All she has is a notebook and a pen to write it down. Nothing else. She can't leave. There are no windows. The door is locked. Ella has to face what she's been hiding for years ... or she's stuck.…

10 Facts About Me

10 Facts About Me

61 9 1

I was nominated by @FashionablyObsessed to do this challenge cx…



4,554 191 10

The new girl. The teachers say that her name is Clary Smith, but she's never told anyone her name.She doesn't speak.Is it a medical problem? Is there something wrong with her? Does she dislike us? Is she afraid of us?Nobody knows. But the widespread view is that she's a freak.Leo Hallman doesn't really care either way - but then he finds himself knowing, and liking, Clary. But when it comes between his family and old friends - and the freak - who will he choose?…