

41 1 1

An unwarranted attack by an unprovoked enemy destroys Greenville. Three insane mental patients, Max, Jane, and Hong, find themselves narrowly escaping in the back of a beat-up car with their caretaker Imya, headed for the unknown countryside. With nowhere to go, and no medicine left to stop their hallucinations, false beliefs, and homicidal tendencies, things begin to unravel in the back of the truck as the four drive on beyond the only city they've ever known. As it becomes increasingly clear that Imya will not survive after sustaining serious injuries in their escape, Max, Jane, and Hong prepare themselves for an empty world where medicine and the long-gone doors of the mental facility can no longer help them escape from an every pressing enemy with unknown ambitions. A rewrite of a story I did in 2015 called "Somewhere Past Greenville/Greenville is Dead."Surrealism at its most horrifying.…



86 1 1

The world has ended, and His Unholy Majesty, the Void Witch, reigns.Everything beyond The City's Wall has been consumed by the Void Witch's black ocean. The toxic waters distort and stain human skin, leaving people tainted fragments of themselves. In the waters, the Necromancer's prized leeches, the Medusa Walkers, stalk the night in the corpses of friends and family, turning men to stone.Sometimes, The Void Witch demands a bride. Young girls blur away their faces in the water, hoping the aren't cursed with the nightmare that is beauty. Because who would ever want to become The Void Witch's Bride? The Lily of the Rot? Maiden Mangle? Lady Faceless? Who'd ever want to be tossed into the Void Sea, never to return? Just to please the Devil Chaos? Certainly not Adrienne. Besides, she isn't one of the Women of the Waste. She's simply Of the Stone- tasked to clean up the petrified remains of those unfortunate enough to look a Medusa Walker in the eyes. Drowning in a black wedding dress is last on her agenda. But people are cruel. Perhaps crueler than the Witch. And there's something outside in the darkness waiting-- calling her name in a tongue she didn't know she spoke. It's only a matter of time before The Wall comes falling down...~~~A Hello from the author + more~~~#407 in horrorSurrealist / Horror / Fantasy / Adventure / RomanceHello there! Regular updates will be starting soon. The cover is made by me! :)…



363 72 23

"Death, I think I could handle. It's the waiting that kills me." Humanity is no more. Struggling out of the rubble are the Lumière and the Fos, two races whose only edible source of food is the hearts of one another, and no matter how much they eat they're eternally hungry. Perhaps they were once the same-- brothers in humanity-- but now they're brothers in cannibalism. Though these monsters may look human, it's important to remember they are anything but. They are not alive, and they are definitely not human.Kai Chrysostom's brother, Ash, just died. He was the family's Sawney, the hunter of Fos: the one who went into the white plains just beyond the city walls to hunt Fos for food so his family could live. Most days, he would arrive home, place heart after heart on the dinner table and smile at his brother, whose constant twitching and childhood disease meant he could never kill a Fos himself. Now, the task falls to Kai. Considered by most to be disabled, Kai has no hunt training, a fear of death, and worse-- a fear of the past. A death. A journey. Eternal hunger. A hunt he never wanted to join. And love. A girl Fos who spares everyone except him, and takes pity on the poor fool as he literally faints at the sight of blood in front of her. A prison. A savior. A loss. More death. And the past that demands to be remembered.And, it's great-- you've sympathized with your only source of food-- but you're hungry. And, deep down, you know you must eat. ~~~45,205 words! Finished! Finally~!!…

Somewhere Past Greenville

Somewhere Past Greenville

247 42 15

An unwarranted attack by an unprovoked neighboring country destroys Greenville. Three insane mental patients, Max, Jane, and Hong, find themselves narrowly escaping in the back of a beat-up truck with their caretaker Imya, headed for the unknown countryside. With nowhere to go, and no medicine left to stop their hallucinations, false beliefs, and homicidal tendencies, things begin to unravel in the back of the truck as the four drive on, somewhere past Greenville. As it becomes clear that Imya will not survive after sustaining serious injuries in their escape, Max, Jane, and Hong prepare themselves for an empty world where medicine and the long-gone doors of the mental facility can no longer help them escape from an every pressing enemy with unknown ambitions.This is a surreal novel. A genre so underrated, that they don't even have it as a genre option. ~~~(WARNING: The mature is there for gore, themes of death, and a few references of a character's past being sexually abused. Most mature things are left for the imagination, but I don't want anyone reporting me so... let's just tag it to make my life easy. But in all honesty, even if you're easily triggered you'll probably be ok.) Anyway, on that note, have fun! Lol…

Birth, Death, and the Stuff In Between

Birth, Death, and the Stuff In Between

52 1 30

Than is the living embodiment of Death. Or the Grim Reaper. Or a hallucination. Or Satan incarnate. Definitely one of those; he's just not sure which. The only person in the entire world who can see him happens to be Eliza-- a suicidal, possibly schizophrenic teenager who finally feels it's time to do herself in now that her best friend and crush has put a gun to his head. Taking place over the course of only one day, this witty, grotesque novel mixes realistic fiction with the supernatural as Than begins to discover his true nature. But he's got to hurry... Eliza thinks she's figured out his true nature as well.62,865 WORD COUNT / FINISHED…