The Vanishing of Kate Pruitt

The Vanishing of Kate Pruitt

2 0 4

Summer of 2018. Suddenly Kate Pruitt, a teenager from a wealthy family in Duffork, Georgia, vanishes. The Pruitt family, who are known for their influence and power, is determined to find Kate without exposing their dark secrets. Detective Sharon Young, who is in charge of the case, faces immense pressure from both the family and the media to solve the mystery.To help with the investigation, Police Lieutenant Sean Greenham of the Fulton police force, who has recently solved another missing child case, is brought in. As they work together, Sean discovers that the Pruitt family has a history of covering up their wrongdoings, making it difficult for them to get to the bottom of Kate's disappearance.…

A Shepherds Deed

A Shepherds Deed

0 0 1

In Grove of the Riverford Kingdom, an almost forgotten place. A young sheep herder named Pend Ragon and his father Ull Ragon travel to the nearby village of Grove to sell sheep's wool. Pend is caught by an Aar Senai named Merey Mereel Foxe and her guardian Hiku after his father sacrifices his life to protect Pend. Pend and his friends, Sam Colt and Rohat Barron, learn from Merey that the Shadow's servants are looking for the angel who is said to have been reincarnated in the area. Unfortunately, Merey is unable to determine which of the three men it is: Pend, Sam, or Barron, and takes all three out of Riverford and back to Tar'Velon. On their journey to the Southlands, Wai Herewini, a "Wind-Listener" (a local healer), joins the group after a horrific battle with shadow creatures. The group is complete when the two druids Odfric and Ered join them.…

The Eight of Magic: Tales of Altaria

The Eight of Magic: Tales of Altaria

95 5 34

A collection of excerpts of the History of Altaria. Altaria is filled to the brim with a rich history and fantastical races. Find out about what kind of world the Stranger lives in. This book includes lore but also spotlights important figures that were merely mentioned in my work "The Eight Pillars of Magic".Read about creation myths, devilish dragons, continents and countries, the rise/fall of civillizations and epic heroes that changed the world.…

Trinity Oak Akademie Bonus: Illusion

Trinity Oak Akademie Bonus: Illusion

6 0 1

Faye landet in einem weißen Raum und muss sich einer Reihe Fragen stellen…

The Eight Of Magic: Storm of Dragons

The Eight Of Magic: Storm of Dragons

36 1 11

Young Arrac is an orphan growing up in the Weisseher clan. Without knowing it, he is a dream walker or world walker. In order to master his previously unconsciously used talent, the old clan chief Avklak sends him to the half-mad sorcerer Samon. Arrac is the only one who could bring the evil dragon emperor Taevarth back from the realm of souls and so his followers are after him.…

Verraten - Trinity Oak Akademie 2

Verraten - Trinity Oak Akademie 2

10 2 2

Nach Rileys Erlebnissen im ersten Buch befindet sie sich auf der Flucht und auf der Jagd nach antworten. Dabei kommt sie in Kontakt mit den dunklen Gehimnissen ihrer Familie. Auch Rileys Freunde sind nicht untätig und bereit sie um jeden Preis zu retten.…

Getäuscht - Trinity Oak Akademie

Getäuscht - Trinity Oak Akademie

15 0 1

Nach dem Tod ihres Bruders, wird Riley Tennison auf die Trinity Oak Akademie geschickt. Als alternative zum Jugendgefängnis. Dort findet sie langsam die dunklen und weltgefährlichen Geheimnisse der "Akademie heraus mit hilfe der Tagebücher von Edgar Wayne Monte. Aber alles wirkt ein bisschen zu real.*Das ist nur das erste Kapitel und als Preview gedacht.*…

The Eight Pillars of Magic (The 8... of Magic Series 1)

The Eight Pillars of Magic (The 8... of Magic Series 1)

202 2 32

An anthology collection of short-stories about a mysterious Hedge-Mage, who travels through the world in hopes of mastering the Eight Pillars.The Stories can be read in any order although there are some re-occuring elements and underlying story, these are not as important to the overarching events that the Stranger goes through.…