Jurassic Egos

Jurassic Egos

167 11 1

To be written later.Note; this is probably going to be more based on the Jurassic Park book, and in any case contains spoilers. I will try to write in a way that you don't need to have read the book, but also, you should read the book. Michael Crichton is a genius.Also it goes without saying, but some of the characters are Michael Crichton's.…

A Guide to the Iplier and Septic Egos

A Guide to the Iplier and Septic Egos

80,481 1,923 28

Most of my stories involve the egos of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, and I'm aware that not everyone who reads them knows of all the egos that I write. So if you've ever been confused about who one of the egos in one of my stories was, here's a guide for you!This isn't a story itself, just a break down of the different egos.…

Markiplier & Jacksepticeye Ego One Shot Stories

Markiplier & Jacksepticeye Ego One Shot Stories

14,673 660 13

Bang! One shots.Markiplier and/or Jacksepticeye ego one shot stories. About anything and everything.(( Self contained, short stories. This book updates as I get ideas for one shots that don't fit elsewhere.I'm really amused by the concept of the cover and have been since I came up with it. I literally don't care if anyone else likes it, I think it's hilarious... so deal with it. ))…

Honey, I Shrunk the Egos

Honey, I Shrunk the Egos

64,960 2,744 34

The "egos" are just some fun characters created by Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Unless they happen to be two sets of best kept secrets, that Mark and Jack are sick of carrying around with them. When the guys go to strange lengths to try and rid their lives of the paranormal duplicates, things only get stranger. No one expected them to shrink, but now that they have, the guys realize they may have created more problems than they solved.(( This is a long, chapter story. Completed.Yeah, I made the egos tiny. It's another weird story line... because, well, I'm a weird person. Yes, the cover is tiny Mark, checking on his youtube channel. It would be up there on his list of concerns, you know it would be. ))…

HISTE Companion Book

HISTE Companion Book

4,599 287 15

Writing "Honey, I Shrunk the Egos" was an adventure, though not as much of an adventure as they went on! There's parts of the story which were untold, and some behind the scenes tidbits which I think might be fun to share! If you enjoyed HISTE, and you're perhaps not ready to let it go just yet... let the tiny adventure continue!(( Companion book for "Honey, I Shrunk the Egos". In progress.This isn't a story in itself, but will contain short stories that happened within the story of Honey, I Shrunk the Egos. There will also be little extras, call outs to the references and just in general a look into my thought process behind some of the events and choices in the story. ))…

Prompted & Requested One Shots

Prompted & Requested One Shots

7,578 436 14

One shot stories based on prompts and requests. What more can I say?Rules in the first chapter, make requests in the first chapter comments.Enjoy?…

Iplier House

Iplier House

41,978 1,594 18

Cut. End scene. Stop recording. Markiplier lives his own life outside of his youtube videos, but what about his many alter egos? Sure maybe they stay trapped in those videos, and maybe teachers really do live at the school. Perhaps though, they live together in a communal house and are just trying to live their lives. Welcome to the Iplier House.(( This is a series of integrated, short stories. There are new stories... when I have ideas for them.It's slice of life stories, if all of Mark's egos lived in a house together. Also this cover took me way longer than it probably should have, but I had fun making it. So there. ))…

The Septics

The Septics

23,126 947 9

Jacksepticeye has a life beyond youtube, but do his strange video characters? The egos decided it would be a good idea to rent apartments in the same building, so they could be close and help each other out, but who knows if that was the right decision. Now they're just making the best of it and living their lives. These are the Septics.(( This is a series of integrated, short stories. There are new stories... when I have ideas for them.These are some slice of life short stories, about Jack's egos all living in the same apartment building. The cover didn't... fit together as nicely as the Iplier House one? I tried though. ))…

I Do Believe In Egos

I Do Believe In Egos

26,254 1,481 20

Having the characters they created literally come to life was a weird circumstance Mark and Jack had to accept, but a lot weirder is when they all start feeling ill. Not even sure if their clones are actually human, there's no where to turn but to the egos themselves. Can they save them?(( This a long, chapter story. Completed.I asked my readers what they wanted to see in a straw poll, and "Sick Egos" won. So here's some sick egos! ))…

Ego Daycare

Ego Daycare

94,521 3,388 22

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye's egos sometimes act childish, but things hit a whole new level when they turn up as actual ankle biters. Will Mark and Jack be destined to learn about parenthood from their own tiny monster clones, or will they uncover the truth about how the egos became children and find a way to reverse it?(( This a long, chapter story. Completed.** There's now a sequel, "Youtuber Sitting". **Yup. The egos but as children. This was like... the first fan fiction I wrote. Yeah, it's a weird concept and a weird place to start, sue me! Also, when I made the cover for this book, I laughed the entire time and still laugh every time I look at it. I can't take Mark making that face. So I'm sorry. NOTE: This book was written during Nov & Dec of 2017. When I started writing it, Jameson Jackson didn't have a name yet, and wouldn't until I was halfway through the story. Thanks. ))…

Youtuber Sitting

Youtuber Sitting

54,231 1,911 22

** SEQUEL TO EGO DAYCARE **Just over a year ago, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye were forced to take care of a whole slew of ego children, but now it seems the tables have turned. How will the big kids at heart, handle being actual children again? But more importantly, can their dysfunctional clones keep them alive long enough to turn them back?(( This a long, chapter story. Completed.People wanted a sequel, and I was given an idea in the comments of Ego Daycare that just worked. What if it was Mark and Jack that were kids? So here's that. ))…

The Cult of Mark

The Cult of Mark

656 59 3

Mark Fischbach has always joked about starting a cult, at least, it was always assumed to be a joke. When the man makes up his mind to do something, he usually does it, but has he bitten off more than he can chew this time?((This is a mini series. Completed.I was watching a lot of Mark's archived Twitch streams, particularly the ones where he and Amy played Farm Together. He talked about cults, a lot, and then the idea got in my head and I couldn't get it out, so now it's a story. No egos in this one, strange, huh? ))…

The Hero We Need

The Hero We Need

673 60 3

Sean McLoughlin has always claimed to want to be a super hero, but with great power comes great responsibility. When he suddenly finds his dreams coming true, will he really think it's all it's cracked up to be?(( This is a mini series. Completed.I was watching one of Jack's Would You Rather, where he was talking about superhero abilities and I got this idea... and it stuck. Then this story happened. There's no egos in it... weird, right? ))…

The Little Big Book of Insanity (Journal & Info)

The Little Big Book of Insanity (Journal & Info)

182 5 3

This isn't a story. It's a journal of sorts. Tags, Q&As, Notes, etc.…

Comfort Tales

Comfort Tales

1,569 107 12

These are not the normal stories that I write.When I was a kid, I used to find comfort in reading... now I guess I find comfort in writing.These are some short stories that I write to comfort myself when I'm really stressed. Keep in mind that I'm REALLY anxious when I write them, so they might be even crappier quality than usual. Read at your own risk.Warning: Some of these stories are going to deal with difficult topics; anxiety, depression, etc ... so if you really can't handle that, you should read something else. Most of my other writing is more light hearted and fluffy, check that out.Again, this not the normal, fun ego stories that I write... they are very dark stories, with positive ends.…