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jaune was aspiring to be a huntsman but one day when he reveals his darkest secret to his own partner. and she didn't take it very well. on the next day pyrrha talk to team rwby for his situation weiss was so angry even yang was so angry.. jaune suffer from yang constant beating and weiss constant bad mouthing. weiss was cursing jaine nonstop..pyrrha also joins the cursing..team crdl went neutral rhis time because they owe him for saving cardin's life.then one day jaune went missing and he was never been seen again.. ruby amd blake was so worry and the two was disperate to find jaune..ozpin was very disappointed to weiss and pyrrha. glynda goodwitch ( jaune's mother ) is going ballistic because her only son went missing..but ozpin keep her in check during class..unknown to them jaune went to the journey to find his happines and real friends. and he find it in the world of underground racing. jaune went missing for a year and he decide to return to remmant bringing a skill he learn from his friends. find out when jaune becomes the fastest racer in remnant…