[Kidnapping and murder lol // kimetsu no yaiba]

[Kidnapping and murder lol // kimetsu no yaiba]

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In which- a smart, antisocial and expressionless student that hates the world meets tanjiro and his sister hanako.:::After sleeping in class [name] wakes up in the snow in the middle of nowhere. They question if they've woken up to be in a hallucination or a lucid dream but that crumbles away when they meet the unsuspecting tanjiro and hanako in a walk to town.:::Please don't read this ;-; :::STARTED: 8/13/22ENDED: ???:::Demon slayer belongs to koyoharu gotouge :::Warnings: muzan, cussing, mentions of murder, mentions of suicide, mentions of hermit crabs being kept in bean bags, toxic family, mentions of stealing, :::Updates every sunday lol:::Quotes?:"ok, I got it! collecting people like collecting Pokemon, Gotta catch them all""that works ig""besides the fact that avoiding this scenario was possible, who came on your kitchen table?""[NAME]""WHAT??""y'know i love ya right?""...i love you too- *cough* catnip *ahem* yeah, I love catnip too""REALLY CHILD?!""IM SORRY I GET NERVOUS WHEN PEOPLE...DO PEOPLE THINGS" "*sigh* it's fine I know you can't communicate""thank you... WAIT WHAt-""silence, for I am now the parent of this child""NO, NO yOUR NOT""all your opinions are irrelevant, because this child is mine now peasant""why do your expressions always stay the same [name]?""...""please?""*sigh* fine I'll tell you, just stop giving me those puppy eyes""Yessir-ma'am-um" "Yesn't" "Wtf do you mean they're dead?""Um...their heart stopped beating-""*yawn* be quiet...""AHHHHH WTH IS THIS SHIT WTF""Ugh...your lucky I don't have enough energy to kill yo ass"…

Chocolate milk

Chocolate milk

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Choco milk poem…

[The world...has no bitches? // Genshin impact]

[The world...has no bitches? // Genshin impact]

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Our protagonist, their roommate, and their cat cafe are isekaid in the world of Genshin impact. The cat cafe also grows legs-...I don't know how to write descriptions ;-;...STARTED:11/12/22ENDED:???...Genshin impact belongs to mihoyo / hoyoverse…



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Just imagine this isn't here so you don't have to read it. But anyway this is a book where I put my fever dreams from being sick! Yep- you probably guessed it but I'm sick rn and my mind is all wonky, so I was like "why not put my crazy delusions and dreams out on the internet so some crusty dusty rusty suspicious and most definitely psychotic person can read them?" I would like to wish you good luck if you unfortunately find this somewhere down the gutter. Btw there will be some of my oc's in there just narrating it lol, don't mind their antics Also idek how my pronouns switched all throughout the book. I went back and read this agiain a few days ago. Even though I was sick, this is just kinda weird. I might've been high on meds and almost passed out trying to write this...it was not a fun experience. STARTED:when I was first sick? Idk, sick me didn't put the date ;-;ENDED:???…

[Memes and stuff]

[Memes and stuff]

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The shear amount of memes that I have is to much for my storage so I've decided to traumatize you with with them. There will also with be some cursed images in there as well as reactions pics and just random stuff in general.:::Good luck to anyone who sees this because I won't be paying for your therapy ♡.:::because some people don't know already, none of the memes or cursed images are mine unless I mention it in the chapter.:::STARTED: 8/2/2022ENDED:???:::Warnings: cringeyness , simping, cussing, this is super gay because I'm super gay, if you don't sleep today I will take your knee caps and steal your toes.…