Up High

Up High

70 15 3

Kellin is a daydreamer who can't decide where he wants his life to go. His mind tends to wonder and he can never stick to a plan and he doesn't like that. To Kellin everything is uncertain and shaky. Vic on the other hand is out to live his life to the fullest. Like Kellin he has no plan but that's exactly how he likes it. To Vic everything is reachable and full.…

I Fell In Love With A Stripper

I Fell In Love With A Stripper

11,069 602 24

When someone catches your eye it's hard to forget about them and once they've touched you forgetting them is nearly impossible. Vic experiences this first hand during a night out with some friends where he meets Kellin. Kellin's very good at what he does. He can easily draw in a crowd with a few shakes of his hips and a couple sultry smiles, his skills in the bedroom also make him a crowd favorite. Vic spends a night with the raven haired boy and instantly becomes addicted to his touch. But soon it turns into wanting more than just sex from the boy. Vic falls for him but Kellin refuses to believe that that's even possible. In his mind he's just a whore, nothing more.…



350 27 4

How would you feel if you were scared of everything? The spiders that occasionally crawl across the ceiling. The thunder that booms loudly in the sky. Even your own shadow. Alan is terrified of everything it seems, and he has no idea why. His fears are troubling for his parents. So they decide to set up a sort of 'play date' for their son and the boy across the street, in hopes of him finding a friend and maybe breaking out of his shell just a little bit. *This description is crap sorry guys*…

Impossible Body Type (A Kellic)

Impossible Body Type (A Kellic)

17,105 1,093 32

Imagine waking up everyday and hating your own reflection, hating the skin you were born in. Kellin deals with this on a daily basis. He's got a rocky past and brain that's a bit treacherous. He's better than he was before but he's also picking some old habits back up. Kellin's not the best at letting people in but what happens when a certain boy comes along and tries to figure out what happened to the light behind his eyes?…

What's Wrong With Us? {Cashby}

What's Wrong With Us? {Cashby}

15,754 1,706 47

Alan's finally decides to tell his parents his secret. He's tired of living his life in the closet, but what happens when his parents don't have the reaction he expected and send him some place to cure his gayness?What happens when he falls in love with the person who is supposed to cure him of his 'disease'?…

Endless (A Kellic)

Endless (A Kellic)

1,372 162 8

A sad love story between two boys who finally found the endless love they were looking for. ⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️…

Remember Me

Remember Me

100 6 4

Gerard is stuck all alone. Literally. He exists in the same boring town completely vacant of anyone besides himself, that is until a certain someone comes along and changes everything.…

Haunted Hearts {Cashby}

Haunted Hearts {Cashby}

1,569 220 18

Alan and Shay have just moved into a new house. They were trying not to relive the past but Shay finds this awfully difficult. While Alan stays at home and thinks of all the good things between him and Shay he realizes they aren't alone in the house. There just so happens to be someone else living there as well. Alan finds himself becoming attached to the ghost of a man, a man who tries to convince Alan to join him so they can live happily ever after.…



103 19 6


Falling For The Help [A Kellic]

Falling For The Help [A Kellic]

9,939 853 22

Once your family is at a certain level in society it is considered degrading and disgraceful to have a conversation with the help that doesn't include an order. Well what happens when one of the towns most well-to-do families, The Bostwicks, son falls for one the help staff?…

Brothers Through It All. ~Cashby & Kellic~

Brothers Through It All. ~Cashby & Kellic~

18,185 1,562 34

Kellin and Alan have been close since their parents got married. They can't really remember a time without the other since it happened when Alan was 3 and Kellin was 5. Kellin always looks out for Alan no matter what and it hurts him to see his brother so hurt. He has no problem taking matters into his own hands either. He's on the football team and fit to say the least. He's outgoing, speaks his mind, and is a tiny bit of a hot head. Alan on the other hand is quiet. Afraid to speak on account of people attacking him. He doesn't tell his brother about every time he is pushed into a locker or shoved down the stairs. He doesn't mention that they still bring up the fact he liked the dress he tried on when he was 12. They both have each other and that's great, but they both still want that love you hear about in movies. So what will happen when Alan meets the new kid Austin and Kellin meets Vic, whose eyes are lost in another. ~Cashby & Kellic~⚠️ Story will contain elements of bullying. I don't believe there will be any other themes that should be mentioned but if there is I will put a warning before the chapter.…

Blue Eyes in a Sea of Brown (Kellic)

Blue Eyes in a Sea of Brown (Kellic)

79,865 5,153 34

Kellin get paired with Vic to do a science project. As he prepares to do all the work his self he gets a real surprise when things turn out different then he expected.…

Unwanted   •Cashby•

Unwanted •Cashby•

23,005 1,582 35

Alan lives in a world full of shifters, people who are half animal is the easiest way to explain it. His kind are accepted and get along well with those who don't shift. Even though the world is okay with them there is still groups of shifters who are unliked and looked down upon. Those being the ones whose mates are of different species or the same gender.Alan has just turned sixteen, the age when he will finally be able to find his mate. It turns out his mate is closer than he ever thought but will his mate be able to accept who Alan is?…

I Met You At KFC |Cashby|

I Met You At KFC |Cashby|

16,575 1,433 24

Alan is a seventeen going on eighteen year old who works at KFC. Between a sick mother, twin brothers, and bills piling up he has a lot on his plate. All he want to do is make enough to get his family through and hopefully snag a scholarship. Austin is in the middle of the second year of college and just turned twenty. Money isn't a problem for him considering his dad is the CEO of a computer company, but he's missing something. Someone he can spoil and love with everything he has in him.So what happens when these two meet at KFC?…

The Man I Love (Cashby)

The Man I Love (Cashby)

5,310 342 21

"You don't just leave someone you love Kellin. Yes we have a few problems but your supposed to work through them. Not just leave."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alan has just started college and when he meets Austin. How he feels about his long term boyfriend start to change once he starts to realize things between the two may not be as perfect as he thought. Austin tries to wiggle his way into Alan's life and help him as much as he can. His feeling for the small ginger boy only grow each time they talk. Can Austin help Alan see reason before it's too late?~Trigger Warning: relationship abuse~…