

916 503 14

Sophie is in the last year of high school, but there's a whole lot of things happening that year.After 17 years of life with her mum, who works as a lawyer and her best friend Daniel, everything changes in the last year of high school as her father suddenly pops into the picture. As the curious teenager she is,together with her friends, she leaps into the world of adventure. Find out what happens in Sophie's life as soon as her father interrupts her perfectly normal life and her last year in high school in this thrilling story.…

Whispers of Destiny:A Serendipitous Journey

Whispers of Destiny:A Serendipitous Journey

1,078 723 13

"Whispers of Destiny:A Serendipitous Journey" follows Xiaoyun the youngest paediatrician in the world and Meixiu a world-renowned musician. Their paths intertwine in a bustling coffee shop,where Meixiu accidentally spills coffee on Xiaoyun's notebook. This chance encounter sparks a deep connection between them as they dive into conversation about life, dreams and their shared love for music. As they embark on spontaneous adventures in the park, Meixiu's vibrant artistry and Xiaoyun's healing touch merge, create a symphony of friendship, love and serendipity. Get ready for a heartwarming tale that would leave you to believe in the magic of destiny!…