The Hybrid Experiment

The Hybrid Experiment

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Listen, I'm not going to do one of those "On a dark and stormy night" descriptions, I'm gonna just give you the cold hard truth. Weather you like it or not, or believe it or not is up to you.Now that that's out of the way my name is Matthew Night. I am what people would call a "lab rat". I was in countless experiments, all because of those stupid scientists and my fa-, sorry I'm getting off track.Basically, I was used for their sick and twisted experiments. But the main reason I was there, it was so they, changed my DNA, they made me a hybrid, part human and part, well, dragon.I'll explain the rest inside the book. If you're like me though you're already in and reading my explaining the full thing, so anyways enjoy the story of my suffering and pain. Man it sounds worse when I put it that way.…