Dream Come True: Ludwig Von Koopa x reader

Dream Come True: Ludwig Von Koopa x reader

312 16 2

You are a huge fan of the Koopalings. You collected every piece of merch related to them, and you always attended every Mario Kart race they showed up in. You were lucky enough to get a job as a servant in Bowser's castle, and that means you get to see the Koopalings more often. As you slowly gain their trust, one particular koopaling has gained more complex feelings for you. Most characters belong to Nintendo…

Gaining Trust: Ludwig von Koopa x Abused!Reader

Gaining Trust: Ludwig von Koopa x Abused!Reader

321 11 2

You were verbally and physically abused by your ex boyfriend, which left you with PTSD. Since the incident, you developed a fear of men, and you had trouble trusting one. One day in high school, you were bullied by a group of girls when Ludwig steps in to help you. With his help, he will help you overcome your fear, and he promised to save you when you are in danger.All rights go to Nintendo…

Protective Guardian: Ludwig von Koopa x Sister!Reader One Shots

Protective Guardian: Ludwig von Koopa x Sister!Reader One Shots

1,401 45 10

You were the fourth youngest sibling of the Koopa family at the age of 10. You had a brotherly connection to Ludwig, the oldest sibling at the age of 15, and you would always be seen with him. He would sometimes get upset with you if you did something wrong, but he would never stay mad at you forever. You would still be his little sister forever. These one shots mostly include mishaps in the castle and occassional comfort. Enjoy!…

My Charming Magician: Dimentio x reader

My Charming Magician: Dimentio x reader

2,331 41 8

It all started when you met Dimentio a week before the day he was about to destroy all worlds and create them in his own image. But, you saw what he was doing, and you were advised to stay as far away from him as possible. After spending years in the Underwhere, you were unsure if he changed or forgotten about you, but turns out that the magician developed a crush on you over those years, and he was determined to win your heart.…

 Loneliness: Antasma x reader

Loneliness: Antasma x reader

2,014 49 7

You were a 19 year old female who is studying to be a professional artist. Every time you want to sleep, you would get non-stop nightmares that always scared you to death. You then realized that they were caused Antasma, the nightmare bat king. As he continued to give you nightmares, you were beginning to get used to them, and you got less scared. You wondered why Antasma gave you those nightmares, and you are willing to find out. Will you succeed or will this leave you puzzled?All rightful characters belong to Nintendo…

Lost in the cold: Bowser Jr x female reader

Lost in the cold: Bowser Jr x female reader

8,716 134 10

When Bowser's castle was ambushed by enemies from an unknown kingdom, Bowser Jr was frightened and ran away as far from the castle, and far away from Darkland as possible. After several hours of running, he was cold and alone, and he had nothing to keep him warm, since he only brought a blanket,his paintbrush, and a Bowser plush.You were a dragon rider, and your dragon heard the cries of the small child coming from the woods. You found Bowser Jr in the cold, shivering, and you wanted to help him return to his home. Then, Bowser Jr started to think of you as his mother, and you find it cute calling you his mom. You started your adventure helping the young child get back to Bowser's castle, and the start of a heartwarming story. Also, there is some Ludwig von koopa x reader in the last few chapters since Ludwig starts to have a crush on you.…

Hatred and Love:Ludwig von koopa x reader

Hatred and Love:Ludwig von koopa x reader

20,685 204 28

You were a 18 year old girl who was best friends with Iggy and Lemmy koopa, and you lived in Bowser's castlewith the koopalings. But, there was one koopaling you didn't make friends with yet, and that koopaling was Ludwig von koopa. Every time you want to talk to him, he would always give you the mean look and grunted in annoyance. You always felt sad since you thought Ludwig hated you, and he wouldn't give you a reason why he acted that way. Will he finally tell you, or would he always be negative towards you?…

Friendship then Love: Bowser Jr x Female reader

Friendship then Love: Bowser Jr x Female reader

4,413 87 7

You were just a 10 year old girl in 5th grade, and you were the smartest person in school. But there was a new student that was going to join your class, and that student was Bowser Jr himself. When you two were introduced to eachother, you were the best of friends. But, soon he will starts to have strange feelings for you that will change your life around.By the way, in my point of view, Bowser Jr still stays in the same appearance like in the games as he gets older, but his height increases.…

High school days ( Ludwig von koopa x reader) + One Shots

High school days ( Ludwig von koopa x reader) + One Shots

20,411 233 23

You were just an ordinary 12th grade student starting a new school and beginning to meet new people . But, when you meet a young koopa with royal blue hair, he starts acting weird around you. Will you find out what will happen or will things take a terrible twist?I don't own any of these characters. All characters belong to Nintendo and some from GameFreakAlso, there are some characters owned by Capcom…