Harry Potter Character one-shots

Harry Potter Character one-shots

69 1 3

Have you ever been in need of a feel good, romance, or bittersweet story that gives you all the best and worst aspects of JK Rowling's wizarding world? If so.........here you are. ****requests are acceptable as long as they fit with good morals*******(Nothing too dirty....;) )…

The art of Rejection

The art of Rejection

82 16 6

I feel like I'm drowning.I fell off a boat and it's drifted so far away. I'm in a storm and the waves keep crashing right back on my head again and again. I gradually lose strength and slip from the surface. It doesn't matter that know how to swim. I'm drowning except the funny thing is.........There's no water. It's just me in a sea of hopelessness and depression-scholars of middle school(Seven, Lydia, Anderson, and Connor)…

His Hell (Draco MalfoyxReader)

His Hell (Draco MalfoyxReader)

9,456 164 39

This is a Draco Malfoy x Reader fanfic but unlike any other this one will mention anything and everything, exposing the truth about our dear Mr. Malfoy. This is Draco in the first year. Do you dare fall in love?But of course who better to tell you the story then his own wife?…

The Reflection

The Reflection

755 55 7

I'll give you 5 seconds and for those 5 second you can either choose to look away or keep staring at this description. DiD yOu SeE tHaT?!?No? Okay. Fair warning the first 3 chapters are purely background. If you want to be clueless skip it. If you don't...... read carefully and remember. The More You Think about itYou will most likely be faced with 3 options 1: The scarier it gets2: The less you'll understand 3…



24 0 2

Check the first version, Mrs.Heartbreaker for the first few chapters.....I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I'm back with the new, improved, AND EDITED version of Mrs.Heartbreaker.Get ready!!!!!!This is the story of a young girl and how her life was turned upside down because of her d-bag father and his a-hole friends."I swear if you call me princess one more time......""No se puedo hacer princessa,"I turned to face him and kicked him where the sun don't shine and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar. I punch his nose and face until I hear a satisfying crack. I continue to punch him in the gut until I see blood streaming out of his nose and mouth. I make sure I bruise him until I make scars,"Take me home jerk,""Not. Until. I. Get. What. I. Want."He pulls out a taser and tases me until I'm out cold. No tengo dolor. No gano nada. I feel now pain. I get no gain. That's the mafia's motto. I repeat it as a mantra as I slowly fall in the shrouding darkness of my surroundings.Mrs.Heartbreaker..........she'll break your heart...…

This isn't really a book

This isn't really a book

9 1 1

Hello everyone.... if you are a Mrs.Heartbreaker reader or a hide and Seek now your it reader please find this! I somehow got blue cakes out of my account and I hadn't prepared for such a catastrophe so I will be reposting all my chapter on a new account. I know I really should have memorized my use and pass and gmail I used but I didn't. Please forgive me. I am not some copy person this is my actual work and I really do want to continue it.Sincerely,Ze author…